Tuesday, December 6, 2005

How Can You Detect An Ulcer

flower_duet @ 2005-12-06T23: 00:00

I, myself, and Begoña

has been an emotionally disastrous beginning of the month (yes, I am a picky but as this is my diary I put here what I feel like it and since I only complain I think virtually no I deserve many reproaches on this)
Finally, the truth is that I sound funny, but I'm worried. Somehow, not that everything that happens around me affects me in a way that I do not understand, and usually I'm wrong coincide with phases in which they say / feel something that affects me and what I find after (appeasing the laughter that I'm very serious). Let me give an example
recent silly but I was surprised. More than one'll be branded autosuggestion but what if an accumulation of coincidences is a causality?. Recently, two people questioned me and commented how strange it was that I wear glasses from the time I spend at the computer, do not use it so soon. Well, the day after that comment I started to notice that looked worse (and still in it, and when I say worst is markedly worse or do not comment or surprise me).
Maybe I should be careful what I say or more of a draw to wish bad things but in the end.

The table botched started these days, although not enough, is a river and its margin

This "weekend" (I say weekend days achieving a tummy scratch / holidays), I have not left the house for anything. When you spend so many days locked up and out of touch with humanity (because the Chinese have brought me to dinner as it does not count) I remember many of whom do not remember me at all and ended up really bitter.
Since Friday I have done nothing more than painting, reading and watching reports on television, all lying on my bed. With this life / neglect my diet has gone to take by .. out there, I'm too nervous / anxious to maintain that discipline, to be alone with my brain constantly thinking etc, and as always, a bad drag to another to another and another, and as a house of cards terminá todo por los suelos y vuelta a empezar/terminar

De postre (la cena ha sido cerdo agridulce, pesado como una piedra pero a lo hecho pecho) he visto La novia cadaver , las críticas de quienes la habían visto habían rebajo mis espectativas, pero no! mis dudas eran infundadas. Me ha parecido una pelicula realmente preciosa. Aunque como siempre esa manía de identificarme con esos personajes a los que nadie quiere y que siempre terminan solos me ha rematado dejandome un sentimiento de asqueante nostalgia (quizá la de saber que nada cambiará nunca o la del deseo de una buena tumba en la que mi gusano/pepito_grillo particular se caye para siempre).

also saw these days:
- Million Dollar Baby .- Finally, and yes, I loved it, but it reminded me of my ex-step / historias_para_no_dormir_asociadas sinking a little more in my misery. He always told me that the movie was about him that does it all end up having to do it alone
- The Crow .- With my return to mourn for nosequé remember that feeling that makes me bad, I heard one of the songs from the movie at least 20 times in reply these days trying to find out, someday I know about her, I hope
- The incredible .- Very nice, and I recognize I'm not animated but I think it advisable for a day off. Did not last long battery charge, but whatever:) has been appreciated these days.

And just for today, so I leave you with a *, preferring a hug, but since I do not buy an interactive pillow seems to me that I clear. These things, as the company, are for when someone makes and unfortunately not when a intelocutor the need
If you have suggestions about something you want to talk, or something they want to see I'm open to requests, sometimes acknowledge that I'm a little single issue.

(read the paragraph that follows with the presenter's voice Document TV)
I will terminate my dissertation / night scratching sending an interesting document, as everything that involves looking muyyy away, does that sometimes our problems ourselves muyyy seem very small. (some more than others, but know, no matter the size xDD)

The universe is not silent

Although often thought of that space is absolute silence is not true. There are areas, such as those located around the planets, where plasma waves are transmitted the same way as radio waves, "so a very sensitive microphone can hear them. We believe some instruments (transmitters of low frequency radio) that allow, through an antenna to capture the magnetic fields, "says Donald A. Gurnett, a professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa

The magnetic field strength affects the sound can be heard. "planets with strong magnetic fields are Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. At the opposite pole are Venus and Mars. Do not know much about Mercury and Pluto. The higher the magnetic field, more variety of sounds. On Earth, appreciate differences, because human radio transmissions, which produce plasma waves.
Professor Gurnett classifies three types sounds: whistles (produced by lightning and heard around the Earth), choirs (such as bird songs, heard around the Earth and Jupiter) and radio emissions aurora (light pink that precedes the sunrise). "The latter, caused by shaking of electrons, they emit a robotic sound I have called 'R2D2', and hear about the planets Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune," said Professor Gurnett.

Terry Riley (part of Kronos Quartet) has made Sun Rings, a musical piece based on sounds picked up by Professor Gurnett.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Mac Pokemon Silver Gameshark Help

flower_duet @ 2005-11-30T12: 45:00

I'm disgusted, and yes, I think almost all my problems come from the same root: I am a naive. say this is a way to check how naive you are, if you get bored for that. (I just I hit 11)

will put a text that I read somewhere that I have no desire or write about it. Perhaps knowing that it is a bad @ s * derived much comfort, but is not the case. [...]

Flores dead: Many of the guys I know are dead and rotten flowers with petals disguised stolen.
If you approach they fear being caught and defend themselves by attacking, if you walk away they feel rejected and you're accused of not to appreciate its beauty.
just get along with those who are like them, but in his vanity always fall in love with real flowers. The look innocent and defenseless, the cheat, manipulate them, the blame for his own evil smell, and make them believe they are evil for not returning the love they receive. Too
shits that think so too beautiful flowers that create a shit. Too many roses that are nailed their own thorns, and bleed, and suffer, and eventually become completely crazy .[...]


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Rabbit Shower Curtains

flower_duet @ 2005-11-23T16: 57:00

MYTHS: The Myth Headless cat

Version English, sixteenth century: "Of greatest fame, the exorcist Rev. superior. Crispin great ribs, the Monasterio de Piedra, Zaragoza, saw demons twice embodied in headless cats "(...)" these cats came and out of the fire, suffered no burns, and also passed through the walls "(...)" In both cases, the priest managed to expel the demon of headless cats, dying after the possessed, they had no blood "(... ) "the Bishop of Zaragoza heard horror at the statement of the facts, rejecting the fur of cats to send him the Monastery" (1). Italian version sixteenth century: "Belief is in Cosimo that having the cat strong life experiencing one or two days but it headed and neckline and disgorgement to whole "(2).

French version, the seventeenth century: " The campaign was always certain that not all cats die beheaded ( 3). version Greek, seventeenth century: "The monks say Skulovas headless cats meowing in a very horrid" (4).

French version, the eighteenth century: "The people are afraid of cats headless able to escape drowning in the mirror "(5).

Version Philippine nineteenth century: " The cat is said that even can live without its head "(6).

Version Portuguese nineteenth century: "The Holy Water prevents headless cats entering homes and do devilish outrages, such as promoting adultery wives, laziness and secret vices finding himself alone" (...) "to avoid the presence the Tempter, visiting him in a mop of boneless cat, the husband prevents his wife through a dispersion of "(...) Holy Water "to hearing the cat persists in visiting, and yet the Blessed effluvium, it Ecclesiastical require the assistance of Conjuration, carrying a business of the Third Order Reduced who perform the operations of exorcism "(7).

German version, the nineteenth century: "In a shack Hamburg exhibited a headless cat wagged his tail and walked, to the astonishment of the people "(8).

Version American twentieth century: " Among the deeds attributed to Barry Hunter Thaylor is that of having caught a cat with no head, red, phantom shares of which frightened the women of Princeton "(9).

Version Creole Contemporary: The Legend of cats, and pigs, no head, and his" appearances "in the sudden Grenadier Gelves street, road to the cemetery Escobar, continues to terrorize the people of Victoria, Philips and Villa neighborhood Boat (10), and at night, no one dares to walk alone and, say, "Many people have seen the cat (or pork) with no head."

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Matlab R2007a License

flower_duet @ 2005-11-17T11: 46:00

the Amazon Drought

The Amazon in early October registered its lowest level in decades.
Brazil declared drought emergency for the river and its tributaries, Bethlehem, one of the tourist districts of the city of Iquitos (Peru) and known as the "Venice of the Amazon has become a trail of debris piles that rots in the tropical heat and acts as dozens of vultures feasting
There are thousands of people isolated in many areas that were exclusively riverine communications, shortage drinking water, food, risk of disease ...

"It is inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly Ocean." Arthur C.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Gay Cruising San Antonio

flower_duet @ 2005-11-11T08: 39:00

urgently need dormir_dormir_dormir and unwind.

in the mirror I feel so so

and my social life as they grill

Saturday, November 5, 2005

Dark Yellow Dress Shoes


Reuben should be happy and content
Reuben and optimistic
Reuben and smile all
bg ~: arf
bg ~: as I like to be so
bg ~: x'D
Reuben a gothic ^ -1
bg ~: I'm not bad for being goth eh! I'm not goth!
bg ~: x'D
bg ~: person actually in ESAR soil almost always:)
bg ~: x'D
Reuben yes, admit it ... is in the pack
bg ~: no!
XDD ~ bg: x'D
bg ~: I do not belong to that pack
Reuben apt-get gotica_pack (pd for nukakerlak: apt-get install gotica_pack) *
Reuben XDD
Reuben and you installed the pack Gothic
bg ~: x'DDD
Reuben ah sorry, you're not based on debian
Reuben you use. rpm
bg ~: if redhat, so I have many dependency problems
bg ~: x'DDDDDDDD

PS: Happy Birthday Reuben P

Monday, October 31, 2005

Asbestos As A Cause Of Lymphoma

a roll x'DD ranker

"[...] The chemistry of love is a correct expression. In the cascade of emotional reactions is no electricity (Neuronal downloads) and there's chemistry (hormones and other substances involved). They are the ones who make a passionate love life out of control and they are the ones that account for much of the signs of infatuation.

When we find the desired person triggers the signal alarm, your body then enters a boil. Through the hypothalamus of the nervous system sends messages to different glands in the body directing the adrenal glands to increase production immediately epinephrine and norepinephrine (neurotransmitters that communicate with each other nerve cells).

Its effects are felt immediately:

* The heart beats faster (130 beats per minute).
* Systolic blood pressure (what we call maximum) rises.
* fats and sugars are released to increase muscle capacity.
* more red blood cells are generated to enhance the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream.

There are two things that man can not hide: that is drunk and in love
Antiphanes -388 to 311 a. C. - Greek playwright

Symptoms of infatuation that many people have ever seen, if we are lucky, are the result of complex chemical reactions in the body that make us all feel about the same, but our love it feel as unique in the world.

This state of "temporary imbecility" in the words of Ortega y Gasset, biochemically can not be maintained for long.

No doubt, love is a disease. It has its own string of obsessive thoughts and their own sphere of action. [...]

True infatuation seems that ensues when it occurs in the brain phenylethylamine, organic compound of the family of amphetamines.

by flooding the brain of this substance, it responds by secreting dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for the enforcement mechanisms of the brain, ie the ability to desire something and to repeat a behavior that gives pleasure), norepinephrine and oxiticina (also stimulate uterine contractions to delivery and bring out the milk, seems to be also a chemical messenger in the sex drive) and begins the work of the neurotransmitters that lead to emotional outbursts, in short: you are in love.
Its activity can last from 2 to 3 years, sometimes more, but ultimately fell biochemical attraction. The attraction phase does not last forever. The couple, then, is faced with a dichotomy: separate or become accustomed to warmer expressions of love, companionship, affection and tolerance-.[...]

Over time the body is becoming resistant to the effects of these substances and all the madness of the passion fades gradually phase of attraction does not last forever and then started a second phase that we call membership giving way to a calmer love. It is a feeling of safety, comfort and peace. This state is associated with another Chemical shower. Here are the endorphins-natural chemicals similar in structure to that of morphine and other opioids, which give security common sense beginning a new stage, that of attachment. Therefore, it is suffering so much in losing your loved one, stop receiving daily dose of narcotics.

To keep the couple must find mechanisms sociocultural (pleasant living, customs, mutual interests, etc..), We advocate that the process ceases to be a single chemical. If you have not set bond of common interest and empathy, the couple, after the fall of FEA, will feel less and less in love and there will dissatisfaction, frustration, separation and even hatred.

seem to have more power to stimulate the feelings and emotions than simple substances by themselves, those that can activate other alchemy and not the other way. [...]

Chocolate contains high amounts of feniletalimina, which in some people produces a pleasurable effect, a certain happiness. In addition, for those who suffer a broken heart, chocolate can become a good ally antidepressant. "

PS: I have strep throat again and this kind of tiredness" chronic "is not off me or spatula, so I have a few days as silly and seemed to be el tema del fin de semana (ascoo de discusiones y debates) y poco quiero/tengo que contar de mi vida pues unas anotaciones sobre el mismo. ¿Será la luna? ojalá fuese más facil querer y que nos quisieran, ¿eh?. Y ¿FENILETILAMINA's? yo creo que algunos organismos no controlamos ni la capacidad de generarlas como dictan esas teorías (vamos, que yo también quiero una dosis que dure un par de años! y monotarea si es posible x'D).

Una última anotación (prohibidas las risas) y que es que aun no salgo de mi estado de shock: sí, sí, estoy aburrida de ver la copa en la que te preguntan si ves la copa o el contorno de 2 caras, pero, oh inocente de mí! acabo de descubrir que carrefour symbol is a C .... Yes .. yes ... no comment (and did not get to that conclusion myself, which makes the subject more thought if anything, is that I found reading it over there. I surrender! I have clear my brain goes off with that and all x ' DDDD)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Small Estate Affidavit Canada

flower_duet @ 2005-10-18T18: 53:00


not know where to start I have to say that I feel so stupid having to come to this that I entered this heartburn instead of going to solaris course I had to put in an internet to see if I miss the bad spitting ostia I entered.

First, sovereign bothers me that I have no fucking idea who I have to address this message (whoever you are, play the balls in the shade is ... I save the adjectives that I get so many who do not know which to choose, believe me). I will summarize for the nerve points that come to me I think it might be too consistent otherwise.

to start:

1. On this page you never appointed anyone to respect and pq mismimo leaves me no, and you play to put a name, bad, up and invent telenovelas about me seems negligible, "so you get bored? So boring is your life you invent things they believe 'emotion' in your environment?. For the first time it put names because I am frankly HARTA

2. Your lies, gossip and shit several Bea harming is bad enough already and has been for other circumstances, at least makes me want to spit. Believe you or not, or creates it or not (at this point and I care a shit putiiiiiiisima it is clear that caring for others only brings me problems) I have much appreciation (for the damage without knowing / wanting he did in his day and I feel in many ways identified with it). So much so I asked Paul his phone number to talk to her if I needed to talk or something, or offer one of the 2 posters that I had ordered, but of course, I forgot allergy that produce (not sure why, but knowing your life and remember that unfortunately there are more people like you, I have cleared the doubts) so he wanted me to.

3. In the previous post is that neither had mentioned, but pasoooo already shut up and swallow more shit from others. Nor was this friend who went to dinner and nobody there mentioned, and as if it were, why not see what is wrong in staying with a friend. But nothing, selfishness and desire seems you can fuck right? and nothing, invent a fresh gossip to improve our social life, is not it, that last part to throw a pass at a mine and was sure he was talking Paul or at least could brew as such, put @ egocentric eh?

4. At this point I would like to say something to Bea: I roll with Paul only once in my life and for years (and not that we have fucked with him a couple of kisses with someone who tells me he has a girlfriend and spend the years and I'm in fucking sight! fuck, I think it's good! and that's going bad enough in life to compensate and feel happy if I have so much dislike.) In the problems between you and him happened to get me, they are your and you're good to get me to me by the media. (End of part for her)

5. Neither he is interested in being with me as anything but friends and I with him. And the saddest thing is that neither I can be with him for fear of harming Bea with the shit that go to make up after taking just a disgusting beer.

6. Your stupid interpretations of what I do, say or fail to tell me if you would bring too loose with the sharp tongue that God gave them were to make no harm to people who appreciate one way or another so make an effort, and next time you get bored metete the language in the ass bitch.

7. DEJAME and since you, let him, because if your friend is Bea above is that it was to break your mouth for inventions, FUCK and cruelty and infinite bullshit you show in doing so.

I do not friends, but this Clearly, if you do not deserve to have them, because I have no idea who you are, but with the damage you've done you know enough to reach a conclusion: you are despicable.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Most Deadly Disease In The World

flower_duet @ 2005-10-17T16: 48:00

Chapter 2: Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? or Self

x'D And so began our protagonist a week, checking every day "to kill him much free time bothered him. The few hours that did not work or was involved a course, were almost allocated.
But in that planning, and after devoting the weekend to hacer_nada / meditation, concluded that sometimes runs the risk of becoming what you hate.
She, with a head full of birds as well you will know he said we must be what we want and not what what we drag our fears / instincts (and thought how sad it was to succumb to them, that made us a kind of dog Pavlow with alter-ego), so I decided that I ought to start trying to stop them and change them.

reexprimir So began his agenda, and to include things like "dinner with a 'friend'" (yes, 'friend', that friend without quotes as our heroine erased from your vocabulary in previous chapters). He had so much time giving
long as many people, beginning to take ogre complex (the minimum advantage to send a.. a x'D right there) and feeling so guilty of sometimes feel alone.

And that's how this week decided to try to be good and start spending a little time to the subject (redirected to / dev / null muchoooooo muchooo time ago).

PD1: Your agenda is reopened (albeit, in / tmp x'D)
PD2: With someone will still have the thing to wait for the conjunction of its moon "not autistic" and time / space
PD3 x'D : This part I think about, but just in case: no right to throw the yew (neither of those things that no mention, for I am the narrator and the fingers need to write, and I fear that I would leave them with only rashes mind) that it itself would be a definitive expulsion of its agenda forever .....


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Kidney Stone Penis Urethra Lodged Stuck

flower_duet @ 2005-10 - 13T09: 26:00

I hope it's a rainy autumn and the evenings when it clears continue with that golden tone relaxes me so much (although sometimes I end ea saddening that awakens a longing that I do not know where exits).
to see if my life is finally calm waters that would lead to a port finally picked up, I'm tired of swimming in streams that I always throw rocks.


the estuary


An entry I guess I will not interest anyone very much, but knowing this cost me over 100 € and here is the advice, free , in case anyone wants / needs: Arguably
circusntancias by it, had years eating poorly, maybe once or 2 a day, little etc etc. This life against the expected q left me like a sylph not precisely, but rather as an eternal anemic.
Obviously the solution was to eat as God commands, but if eating 'nothing' I had never missed curb the idea of eating more, I never thought a transformation begoña => seal.
In my new line of "wisdom" gained went to the doctor just what I devised a way to eat "normal" that very few people follow and that not only made me gain weight but I lost some weight even eating like 4 times more than before.

The first commandment is to always eat 5 times a day , as follows:

should always have these 3 components in one of its modes:
hidratos_de_carbono (cereal / toast / biscuits ) + fruit (fruit / juice) + DAIRY (queso_fresco / yogut / milk)

fruit and milk or fruit + DAIRY
hidratos_carbono (toast etc) + protein (ham etc)

Suppose a meal divided into 4 parts: 2 must be of vegetables, 1 carbohydrate and protein 1
hidratos_de_carbono : potatoes, pasta, rice protein
: meat , fish, eggs, vegetables
salads, creamed vegetables, etc. (not to eat a giant salad used to eat 2 plates, with a Incoming vegetable soup or something like that is a good solición)

Afternoon: midmorning

As mid-morning or lunch, but lighter (without hydrate carbon).

Nothing, that is, but the laziness makes most people go for care, people who have access to this page I care enough to want to do so. Although I think that people need to know a few kilos more than less the issue is learning to eat (some people need more energy is logical to take more carbohydrates, but sele as saying "the concept is the concept").

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Cubase 5 Dongle For Mac

flower_duet @ 2005-10-04T11: 36:00

The peculiar vision of eclipse as my camera and a diskette as a filter (no coment .. xD)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

3 Mobile Broadband Dongle Hacks

flower_duet @ 2005-09-25T12: 09:00

A large robot pirate treasure located on an island Chilean


A Chilean expedition found on the island of Juan Fernandez, a great treasure pirate adventurers from around the world have sought for decades. A manager of security firm Wagner, head of the find, said it is "the greatest treasure history "and it includes a woman wearing necklace of Atahualpa. According to legend, the prize consists of more than 800 tons of gold and silver, two papal rings and a priceless jewel known as the compass rose.

The treasure is divided in three places and has been located by a small robot, spider called TX.

local radio on this island of 600 people announced the finding, which caused uproar in the country. More

Annular Solar Eclipse, 3 October 2005 Prime

annular solar eclipse visible from Spain in 241 years.

Next October 3rd we will witness the first annular solar eclipse in Spain for 241 years. The phenomenon is visible from Galicia Alicante not happen again until 2026.

the morning of October 3 will be a annular solar eclipse will be visible from the Iberian Peninsula, Canary and Balearic Islands, the rest of Europe and North Africa. The eclipse will be seen as simply part from most of the English territory, albeit with a high percentage of obscuring the solar disk, and as void for observers located in a narrow strip across the peninsula from northwest to southeast. The maximum annular phase will last about 4 minutes, will take place around 11 am, CET.

The importance of this event is that it is the first annular solar eclipse visible from Spain in 241 years, and we will wait until the second decade of this century to return to consider a similar phenomenon: in 2026 for a total eclipse and until 2028 for an override.

For Spain, the annular begin at 8 h 55 m (UT), 10 h 55 m (local time), in Galicia, and ends at 9 h 03 m (UT), 11 h 03 m ( local time) in Alicante. The duration of the annular central line of the band reach 4 m 10 s, and hiding the sun will be 97.4%, reaching a level of 91% obscurantez.

For more detailed maps of the route of the eclipse in Spain and other countries that enjoy the event, click here .

If you want to know the local circumstances of the annular eclipse in different English cities, tap here. There are also data for other cities, but in these, the eclipse will be partial.


Finally a little quiet. On 21 signed the contract renewal last indefinitely, and I removed a small weight on top (actually, now that I live alone think about finding work without knowing where, in moving back and redo all my life, when I'm still focusing on this, I felt like anything rather ).
This allows me somehow planned on things he had left on stand-by, and that if time and money permit me I will return soon .

Last week I began the first of the three computer courses that will do it until December. I think I'm on the road to make this quiet time becomes normal. Since I have only a couple todo: in my diet control and planning of my free time to enjoy it, with or without a roommate. (I have wanted to find people that do things, dinner, going to concerts, watching movies, these things .. but in Vigo psss .. while I will continue working on it)

PS: This weekend has performed intensive session Depeche mode, in one word: mencantaaaaaaaaa

Depeche Mode & Rammstein:
Stripped (KMFDM mix)

Come with me Into the trees

'll lay on the grass And

let the hours pass Take my hand Come back
to the land
Let's get away
Just for one day
Let me see you
Has nothing on this
You're breathing in fumes
I taste when we kiss
Take my hand
Come back to the land
Where everything's ours
For a few hours
Let me see you
Let me hear you
Make decisions
Without your television
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me see you
Let me hear you
Make decisions
Without your television
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me see you

Depeche mode VS Placebo:
I Feel You

I feel you
Depeche mode
I feel you
Your sun it shines
I feel you
Within my mind
You take me there
You take me where
The kingdom comes
You take me to
And lead me through Babylon

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your heart it sings
I feel you
The joy it brings
Where heaven waits
Those golden gates
And back again
You take me to
And lead me through oblivion

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your precious soul
I feel you
And I am whole
I feel you
Your rising sun
My kingdom comes

I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
Each breath you take
Where angels sing
And spread their wings
My love's on high
You take me home
To glory's throne
By and by

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

Depeche mode:

Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to you?

We always tried to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put you through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we’d managed
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

Angels with silver wings
Shouldn’t know suffering
I wish I could take the pain for you

If God has a master plan
That only he understands
I hope it’s your eyes he’s seeing through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we’d managed
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

I pray you’ll learn
trust to Have Faith in
Both of us And keep room in your hearts for two Things get Damaged

Things get broken I Thought we'd managed But words left unspoken

Left us so brittle

Monday, September 19, 2005

Free Orion Vcr Manual

flower_duet @ 2005-09-20T08: 36:00

This weekend has given me to review things I have at home when I was a dwarf. I laughed while Scanning some of my works. " Of course mine was not drawing, but it has served to confirm that I am twisted and vague rare for more time than I thought.

Proof my handwriting skills and inability to distinguish between a letter and its mirror image (stained pink as my scaner is sometimes goes boom):

numbers also confounded with his reflection (yes yes, the numbers from 1 to 6 xD)

Y to complete a drawing of high drama:

My name always appears with the N ñ upside down, and sometimes signed as AÑOGEB (with the letters upside down, of course). And what is that? I'm not sure, but I fear that in my extreme laziness rather than bothering to learn the letters of the decals, drew up behind the film that gave me the teacher, who had no number, y la ventana al calcarlo in ... xDDDDDDDDD

Monday, September 12, 2005

Phrases To Congratulate

Protect Me From What I Want

Protege Moi Placebo

is the malaise of the moment
The expanding epidemic
The party is over we descend
The thoughts that freeze the Because
lowered eyelids, face
Arise gray ghosts of our bed
We open the latch of the gate
the slum called home Protect me from

What I Want
Protect Me From What I Want
Protect Me From What I want
Protect me Protect me

Protect me, protect me {x4}

Are we the playthings of fate Remember
moments divine
Planas, exploded in the morning
And now we're alone
Lost dreams of love
The time when we had done nothing
We have a lifetime
to cry And now we're all alone Protect me from

What I Want
Protect Me From What I Want
Protect Me From What I Want
Protect me Protect me

Protect Me From What I Want (Protect me, Protect me) Protect me from
What I want (Protect me, protect me) Protect me from
What I want (Protect me, protect me) Protect me

Protect me

Protège-moi, protect-moi-moi
Protège DESIRS month-moi, protect

-moi Protect me from What I Want
Protect Me From What I Want
Protect Me From What I want Protect me

Protect me {x3}

Protect me Protect me, protect-moi

Monday, September 5, 2005

Minnetonka Moccasinswhere To Buy In Los Angeles

flower_duet @ 2005-09-06T08: 32:00

I'm tired to mourn no tears to erase the memories that were seared into my retinas.


Now I have the response of labor supply:
"We made a decision regarding the selection process and let you know that your application has been rejected. Your profile is not consistent with that we seek. "

We, the usual, right now it hurts me the money I spent and I feel useless, it seems that my profile is useless.
By mid- month comes the policy change where I work, and a few weeks later the end of my contract.

gray I have a great week, I'm very overwhelmed with work, with the back of my head, with the time change morning, etc.

True, the nonsense that I did not kill me, but part of me has died but not been in a coma ("irreversible?). I completely lost faith in the people (myself and did not have it) and after everything that happened my worldview was mortally wounded and I sometimes feel drowned in hatred and contempt that for almost all that prevents me from seeing anything clearly.

I can not see a kind person something that is not theater, complacency or interest, I can not look at men without seeing pigs on "stand by" or even believe that you can have one as a friend (because it is clear that deep interest in me always lies in the same and when that fades they do with him, how many lies let me convinced otherwise, idiot ...)

As friends is all I can have now, because in my internal forum feel a nausea that prevents me from even thinking about anything else, it is clear that my life will go on indefinitely (and is thus not mean I like it, but God knows and I can not change it). Reduced

both comfortable environment in which refugees and is not a circle, for lack of "points", but a segment (from A to S), and is not that I care too much about that I have not really wanted to stop being single than I does the lesson: At this point I am so lazy and start the process of meeting people, talking, you also know me, or say anything in my life I have no desire to undertake such waste of time.
This has resulted in irc and silences in conversations with 2 lines, blockages in the msn and break with all * in general, sorry if that someone has gone bad, but hey, neither do I have to put up with reprimands or speeches or lust or rudeness of others (which I still play a lot) ... maybe sometimes justified, because no one is for the work to hold my impertinence and Borderías which is almost the only thing loose in my mouth (if you do not have the monosílavos xD)

Yet every morning when I leave home and forget it where I feel happy, because the air at last autumn forest smells and that smell makes me happy for some reason (I guess that's why I find both comforting mushrooms). I would go live in the middle of a forest that keep the scent that revives me away from everything and everyone and there forget.

PS: Today the workshop will gather at the tables were in the museum, which as expected, there was nobody to me (one understands known), which makes me a freak up in the workshop.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Andrea By Sadek Birds

flower_duet @ 2005-08-19T08: 57:00

Yesterday afternoon he was at last opening in Ourense municipal museum of the "Do outro side", and although I took, I went. The day ended with a dinner with some of those who were. If only for paint with them, I think the interview went wrong Madrid is fortunate that something I should regret (are lovely, I was the only one that was not to see it, things have not social life, so I 'pushed' to go etc).
I'm more with it than with the spirits of those who came to tell me that my works were her favorites in the sample and to continue painting, so I went up little mind but much x'D colors




PS: Tomorrow is my birthday, and invite you candy xD

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Numero De Serie De Nero Vision 7?

flower_duet @ 2005-08-18T14: 50:00

Koinberg Edvard's work seems simply spectacular and may be temporarily in the Real Jardin Botanico Madrid.

Villanueva Pavilion, Plaza de Murillo 2, Madrid. :10.00-21 Schedule 00, from 28 July to 6 September (2005)


Saturday, August 13, 2005

Qual O Numero Serie Do Nero

flower_duet @ 2005-08-13T17:05:00

Thursday I had my first job interview since I started looking, the one from which called me. It was a disaster. I
discouraged: see how everyone changes and find ways to do it smoothly, finally .. in this life seems to me to be the last played at all, and that my fate is not to become anything at all or anything / anyone.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Fetal Heartbeat At 34 Weeks Pregnant

flower_duet @ 2005-08-04T11:30:00

A challenge in my travel routes: Évora

The Chapel of Bones is attached to the Church of San Francisco in the medieval city of Évora (Portugal), about three hours Lisbon. [...] At the entrance to a grim reminder register how fragile life is: "We bones here are, by your own hope."

The chapel was [...] built by Franciscan monks between 1460 and 1510 with the bones of some 5,000 people. It is said that the bodies of victims from the Black Death, others say they are the victims of the Inquisition, while others say they are soldiers killed in battle, but the truth is less romantic: the bones from cemeteries.

Legend has it that the two bodies hanging (see photos), even with skin and clothing, are the result of a curse. This is a father and son who abused his mother to take her to death, but before dying curses them both. She told them that soon they would remain in death, were so bad that neither in the hell would want. And that was because, as she predicted, both died soon after and the ground where ivan to be buried suddenly turned hard as rock. Thus it was that the monks were hung in the chapel since, as an example for other women abusers. In recognition of this, women were getting married, cut their hair and deposited at the entrance to the chapel as a sort of symbolic sacrifice to have a happy marriage. This practice continues today, and you can see several recent braids hanging. It is said that the Franciscans were the first feminists .[...]

# more

Today I feel better, and went to the doctor, I can swallow without suffering in silence, solitude when I'm wrong and I feel like pampering and I do not want nobody, that makes me weird expect nothing from anyone, not knowing anyone, nor have any interest in anyone other than the 4 ragamuffins x'D close around me (I think that's good, but I hope my lack I do miss the chance to be happy someone someday)
The paint shop works finished '8 '(a landscape of blue-green range that pulls the "abstract") and '9' (a cemetery to the Museum of Ourense) and almost '10 '(a scene with candles in the cathedral bcn, also for the museum if I finish it on time.)
Today I'm going to expose a fair when you leave work (I have 2 tables brought in a bag xD), I have no win, but sometimes you have to do what needs to be done, and my only working with them reduced to make a website "more decent" because I have to get wet.
just need rest, and a small plug-esteem.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

How To Sighting In Tactical Turrets

flower_duet @ 2005-08-03T14:44:00

Today the day has made me short, mount pc's is certainly memos overwhelming to make an interface in PHP to connect / insert: contract-expeditions-input-oredenesderecogida (and by that I mean if you do not say anything ? Because that to me either, the truth, unless a CONAZA ). I

ground, bad throat and apática_apática_apática.

circumstances at work:
- the purchase by the multinational that Yankee
- the march of a couple of compañeros_ingenieritos_enchufados
- Break my supervisor and therefore have no one to ask the questions about that stuff so funny q
said at the beginning - the end of my contract in October
- the division of tasks which were / are on vacation
- have bitter memories that day and displayed anywhere against my will
.. .
have me in a state of **************** permanent.

live is, with what I earn, expensive enough to not be able to save a shit, so I'll leave this company as I arrived (albeit a bit more fucking, older and more sorry for the opportunities it tell people nocoment ) Among the partners are always talking about buying cars, pc's, houses, etc etc. "I feel undeveloped? "I lost time? in order. I find it strange to be so, so apathetic and I do not crave pampering, or see anyone, find anyone. Afternoon

maybe I just started painting, (or q may have to go to the emergency room to give me something, and you can eat / drink without taking a painkiller before I begin to be dehydrated x'D) I cansadaaaaa cansadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Sunday, July 31, 2005

Are Kink Curbs Good Bikes

flower_duet @ 2005-07-31T16:49:00

1. When you added me to your list of friends?
2. Why did you?
3. What type of posts you prefer to read?
4. About what you'd like to write and yet I have not done?
5. Do you think we'd be friends in "real life"?
6. How often you read my journal?
7. What we have in common?
8. Are you going to put this in your journal so you can answer?

My life goes on without much news. Usually I'm looking forward to the fall to take my long walks in search of mushrooms, but October will in the end of my contract, unemployment etc etc, this year I lost my haste. The uncertainty keeps me on my nerves. Not find work, to see how I make do
xD Yesterday I went for one of these walks, but do not go looking for something unless it relaxes me (I found a pair of eagles a squirrel feeder on a deborapajaros and various mushrooms, pineapples, but noeslomismo xDD)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Train A Goldfish To Jump

flower_duet @ 2005-07-25T17:34:00

Tomorrow I return to my working life after a vacation that have gone unnoticed as a balance sheet. I have a lot
things change and I must focus on developing a mission statement get me out of the spiral that ends I always plunging into a depressed state which I have to get away and definitively.

- Looking for work (I still have 3 month contract only)
- transform the state of anger against the world that appeared to get away from who they hurt me
- Trying to expand knowledge in the field of programming
- Go to " endocrine / psychologist? to cross a couple of problems

lista_de_quebraderos_de_cabeza Anyway will not arrive with several of my objective requires perseverance, time consuming and do not spare me any of those things, but I will I can.

Anyway my primary objective is to learn to love a little more. Do what I can to rescpecto, now that I moved away from the people who hurt me I guess it will be easier (if I can mitigate the need for isolation and lack of trust in others that has emerged following my decision).


Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bathroom Junk Holder Für Sims3

flower_duet @ 2005-07-17T17:34:00

No, I should not have gone to the concerts of "Mi Pueblo."

only thing I got going is to stay more than one, if possible.
I feel lost, without intention to allow anyone near me on the glass that does not support or one more drop and I will not come to me down (the limit is at a level which does not even want to think).
I feel like a doormat unwanted, old, worn out by trampling and other shit that has been left outside the door to life worldwide.

I go to Vigo, need to be alone-alone and single-rodeada_de_gente. So at least I can mourn or sleep hoping that all this stops being the focus of my head in order to "rest."