"[...] The chemistry of love is a correct expression. In the cascade of emotional reactions is no electricity (Neuronal downloads) and there's chemistry (hormones and other substances involved). They are the ones who make a passionate love life out of control and they are the ones that account for much of the signs of infatuation.
When we find the desired person triggers the signal alarm, your body then enters a boil. Through the hypothalamus of the nervous system sends messages to different glands in the body directing the adrenal glands to increase production immediately epinephrine and norepinephrine (neurotransmitters that communicate with each other nerve cells).
Its effects are felt immediately:
* The heart beats faster (130 beats per minute).
* Systolic blood pressure (what we call maximum) rises.
* fats and sugars are released to increase muscle capacity.
* more red blood cells are generated to enhance the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream.
Antiphanes -388 to 311 a. C. - Greek playwright
Symptoms of infatuation that many people have ever seen, if we are lucky, are the result of complex chemical reactions in the body that make us all feel about the same, but our love it feel as unique in the world.
No doubt, love is a disease. It has its own string of obsessive thoughts and their own sphere of action. [...]
True infatuation seems that ensues when it occurs in the brain phenylethylamine, organic compound of the family of amphetamines.
by flooding the brain of this substance, it responds by secreting dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for the enforcement mechanisms of the brain, ie the ability to desire something and to repeat a behavior that gives pleasure), norepinephrine and oxiticina (also stimulate uterine contractions to delivery and bring out the milk, seems to be also a chemical messenger in the sex drive) and begins the work of the neurotransmitters that lead to emotional outbursts, in short: you are in love.
Its activity can last from 2 to 3 years, sometimes more, but ultimately fell biochemical attraction. The attraction phase does not last forever. The couple, then, is faced with a dichotomy: separate or become accustomed to warmer expressions of love, companionship, affection and tolerance-.[...]
Over time the body is becoming resistant to the effects of these substances and all the madness of the passion fades gradually phase of attraction does not last forever and then started a second phase that we call membership giving way to a calmer love. It is a feeling of safety, comfort and peace. This state is associated with another Chemical shower. Here are the endorphins-natural chemicals similar in structure to that of morphine and other opioids, which give security common sense beginning a new stage, that of attachment. Therefore, it is suffering so much in losing your loved one, stop receiving daily dose of narcotics.
To keep the couple must find mechanisms sociocultural (pleasant living, customs, mutual interests, etc..), We advocate that the process ceases to be a single chemical. If you have not set bond of common interest and empathy, the couple, after the fall of FEA, will feel less and less in love and there will dissatisfaction, frustration, separation and even hatred.
seem to have more power to stimulate the feelings and emotions than simple substances by themselves, those that can activate other alchemy and not the other way. [...]
Chocolate contains high amounts of feniletalimina, which in some people produces a pleasurable effect, a certain happiness. In addition, for those who suffer a broken heart, chocolate can become a good ally antidepressant. "
PS: I have strep throat again and this kind of tiredness" chronic "is not off me or spatula, so I have a few days as silly and seemed to be el tema del fin de semana (ascoo de discusiones y debates) y poco quiero/tengo que contar de mi vida pues unas anotaciones sobre el mismo. ¿Será la luna? ojalá fuese más facil querer y que nos quisieran, ¿eh?. Y ¿FENILETILAMINA's? yo creo que algunos organismos no controlamos ni la capacidad de generarlas como dictan esas teorías (vamos, que yo también quiero una dosis que dure un par de años! y monotarea si es posible x'D).
Una última anotación (prohibidas las risas) y que es que aun no salgo de mi estado de shock: sí, sí, estoy aburrida de ver la copa en la que te preguntan si ves la copa o el contorno de 2 caras, pero, oh inocente de mí! acabo de descubrir que carrefour symbol is a C .... Yes .. yes ... no comment (and did not get to that conclusion myself, which makes the subject more thought if anything, is that I found reading it over there. I surrender! I have clear my brain goes off with that and all x ' DDDD)
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