Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nickle Back Rockstar Sheet Music

The new monument (?)

(Article copied from website Radio Bio-Bio.)

"The President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, go to the Eighth Region 2 times in less than 7 days. Your first visit will be tomorrow at Ñuble and Biobío provinces, for the birth of Bernardo O'Higgins and the needs of the Pehuenche people. Then come the next week to Concepcion, upon completion of 6 months since the quake, the date which, incidentally, no one cares to remember.

However, it is to the occasion is propitious for taking stock of the government's progress after the emergency and announce great things to come.

Among the announcements, will be released where deemed necessary to erect a monument that reminds us of the date, as if walking through the streets enough to not forget. The

harány with an investment of 500 million pesos, money that would be far better allocated, for example, to repair streets. And if the monuments are concerned, we could raise a - funded by public subscription, but the failure of past and present.

In one of these, enough to buy an old boat and put it on land or place a piece of mechanical bridge between Ecuador Park ... and we are open to other suggestions.

The truth is that announcing a reminder of the February 27, at 6 months after the tragedy, not only unnecessary but also would be more like a slap in the face of each of the thousands affected in the area.

It's time to put more intelligence and wisdom in the decisions made in government and, if that was not possible at home unless you ask prior to making decisions in Santiago.

The monument to the earthquake in late February Bíobío can throw it into the river, if they insist on lifting. The same river where they wiped out two thirds of the destroyed Old Bridge, even if the invitation stated that everything-including-pillars should be removed from the site in trucks.

But of course, use the river as a dumping ground allows them to save money to the contractor that won the bid.

Monument earthquake, At least now, we do not. "


This sucks.
you sure this idiot has so few neurons in the head?
course, and then raise transport fares and food for a healthy diet. Y. ..
AHG! pay for this excise tax webada ¬ ¬


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