Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Is A Half Circle Dressage

Fascism and neo-conservatism were appropriate country from the 1973 coup, will continue to increase under the Concertación governments that allowed the rise and are now taken power. The immediacy without reflection or analysis, image laundering personeros mediatic using the cameras to hide the tragedy and turn it into reality (a purpose of the miners buried in the bowels of the capital). Huelgade Mapuche hunger and the only thing that matters is the animals will be destroyed by the anxieties of power consumption required to keep gaining weight a few.
Slowly, slowly but surely, cover what happens, while In the interests of safety we ignore strange our freedom to end up living in a big prison where each suspicious of his neighbor and handed over to the hands of a power which does away.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Disney Go Glow Clock Instructions

The other day I went to Cine Hoyts La Reina to see short films in the National Talent Sanfic (Santiago international film festival) and I went on my bike pretty and girly.

found the new bike path of Simon Bolivar, the street where I lived for a year, my first sweet, innocent year in Santiago and the university.
His bike path is beautiful! looks like a path full of trees and curves
^ ^ And there was leaves, and on the ground, falling ... I love the crisp sheets, and step on them, at that time, my wheels pass over ^ ^ And I remembered
this ... I do not know, the leaves will then spring is coming ^ ^

And I miss the times when we took out cameras to photo professionals U "to make our photography work" look Seee ... seeeee xD Just as we work and practice to frozen and sweeps, but this scan was quite literally made hahaha.

and AHG, I went back to the days of the month where I hate hate hate! being a woman, and this forces me to get out before my French class ... oh, today I bought rings Eiffel Tower ^ O ^ I love them!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nickle Back Rockstar Sheet Music

The new monument (?)

(Article copied from website Radio Bio-Bio.)

"The President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, go to the Eighth Region 2 times in less than 7 days. Your first visit will be tomorrow at Ñuble and Biobío provinces, for the birth of Bernardo O'Higgins and the needs of the Pehuenche people. Then come the next week to Concepcion, upon completion of 6 months since the quake, the date which, incidentally, no one cares to remember.

However, it is to the occasion is propitious for taking stock of the government's progress after the emergency and announce great things to come.

Among the announcements, will be released where deemed necessary to erect a monument that reminds us of the date, as if walking through the streets enough to not forget. The

harány with an investment of 500 million pesos, money that would be far better allocated, for example, to repair streets. And if the monuments are concerned, we could raise a - funded by public subscription, but the failure of past and present.

In one of these, enough to buy an old boat and put it on land or place a piece of mechanical bridge between Ecuador Park ... and we are open to other suggestions.

The truth is that announcing a reminder of the February 27, at 6 months after the tragedy, not only unnecessary but also would be more like a slap in the face of each of the thousands affected in the area.

It's time to put more intelligence and wisdom in the decisions made in government and, if that was not possible at home unless you ask prior to making decisions in Santiago.

The monument to the earthquake in late February Bíobío can throw it into the river, if they insist on lifting. The same river where they wiped out two thirds of the destroyed Old Bridge, even if the invitation stated that everything-including-pillars should be removed from the site in trucks.

But of course, use the river as a dumping ground allows them to save money to the contractor that won the bid.

Monument earthquake, At least now, we do not. "


This sucks.
you sure this idiot has so few neurons in the head?
course, and then raise transport fares and food for a healthy diet. Y. ..
AHG! pay for this excise tax webada ¬ ¬

Monday, August 16, 2010

Milena Velba/ Laundry Day

105 random things I grew

Rules: Once you were tagged, you write a note with 105 random things, facts, habits or goals to yours. At the end choose 25 people paraetiquetar. You have to label the person who tagged you. If I teetiqueté, is because I want to know more about you. Of title have to put 105hechos and confessions of (your name).

1. I'm a lazy par excellence, but I think most of the things that I feel good haberhecho, born of that entertainment.

2. I stressed the rooms have only Queno smooth walls.

3. I love to sleep in twin beds, nome space like that of sleep, especially in winter.

4. What I like about unapintura, it gives me the urge to touch it.

5. I have a fixation on colorrojo, I love it. And I love the color in his weathered, so I love the sunsets.

6. I never see sunsets, because when I get home from the U, sacredly nap for a while, and usually cuandodespierto already dark.

7. I have seen thousands of amaneceresporque am unable to go to bed early unless you have something the other day chore to schedule early.

8. When I paint, I start at 4 am hacerlocomo

9. When I write hacerlocomo start at 12 pm, but ... bah, I always see the sun rise

xDD 10. When he reached the Part I quitotoda clothes and throw down, then I go to bed in pajamas.

11. For my whole weekend on the floor ropaestá and I order, which lasts only until Monday.

12. LOVE walking around the house in pajamas.

13. The desktop of my pc is unaferia.

14. I think I'm hateful, but .... odiosísima! and part of my mistress be.

15. I hate so much that I control, Quecuas anyone wants to do, I get to be the mujerultrasuperindependiente non-need-of.-no.

16. I'm very good receiving ORDAINED hierarchy without feeling unless they happen to send, demucha unlike people I know.

17. I laugh people, a lot, too, but I laugh at them even half of what I laugh at myself.

18. My fears ... are a joke. It's like, my fear of natural catastrophes of psychosocial alpunto tremors, or cuandoveo a spider sintieno for hours after I walk the legs.

19. I do not like others to see foulbrood I created, in front of me, it's uncomfortable.

20.'m Bipolar xD bah, not so much, but my mood goes from one point to another quickly, sometimes I think these changes mismaprovoco yto

xD 21. I can be sweet sometimes and lamayor of people think I'm very Nanai xD

22. I can not sleep without escucharmúsica

23. When I have a distaste conalguien I know not, I think it's an unnecessary waste of energy the discutircuando know it makes no sense.

24. Vecesreconozco most of my mistakes, and I am guilty of the things that happen, but I hate cuandolas other parties do not assume their liability.

25. I love my hair full of curlers.

26. I kicked myself every day, even, so hipercortito elhabérmelo cut two years ago.

27. Doing something to my hair, dramatically, occurs when passing through a difficult emotional period, usually cut it. But to have it cut to the waist and shoulder arribadel was too much! Although it was irrelevant.

28. I put a happy face cuandoescucho a song by Queen, because I love Queen. And if so my dog Sellam Queen.

29. I want a cat, a lot! But sometimes I think both things that some of my fears that the cat does not want me unhappy with me uu


30. I'm so mean! Gastardinero hatred and try to always buy the cheapest or on sale.

31. Still sometimes I get to buy my little quirks ... (like shoes xD)

32. I stressed to buy clothes, that stopping to try it, I'm too lazy .

33. Whenever I see something that captivated me ... is the most expensive in the showcase xD

34. I want to go to Paris! However locliché it sounds, but for good reasons =)

35. I love to have a day where francésy tengoclases of Arabic dance \u0026lt;3

36. I love looking at jewelry, but soportomucho not use them.

37. The greatest treasure I have, ezel ring that I gave my father, and when not in use, keep it in a color pequeñacajita, which has scented cotton colony of my brother.

38. I'm so weepy, cry for everything! Because I'm hypersensitive.

39. I hate to see me mourn, so is all that I cry, is when I'm alone.

40. Sometimes I think tanfuerte pretend to be independent, when you want to depend on someone will be late

41. On the other hand, if I'm tough.

42. I like both I read deberíagolpear for not reading a good book long

uu 43. The word "friend" me unconflict generated because I'm not sure what it contains. But bah, I love my friends

44. It seems that when I say engo cosasno filter and I get the worst, but ... I'm Sagittarius, so xD


45. , Although I am very good to say I think when I feel like, what I feel is something that estárestringido any word.

46.'m Dyslexic. And if this is bienescrito is only because I did it in word that I corrected the words divueltas.

47. Relaciónsólida I can only maintain a balanced and long-term with my notebook.

48. Whenever I boot, not that seadifícil to retain, simply do not know ..


49. I love the way my mouth Oo

50. Music I dulls the senses ... yes wonderful

51. I love sushi! Detestoque well as being so expensive.

52. I dream of taking CONSAL pure tequila and lime, but the only Once we had tequila in a meeting, not habíalimon!

xD 53. It bothers me wearing glasses.

54. I can not wear make-up cremaporque gives me allergies.

55. I like my skin mecarga blanquita but it is so delicate and I uu

spots to 56. The only thing I really hate desdeque live in Santiago, is that I started having skin allergies . And now todosmis handcrafted rings are kept uu

57. I have a tattoo on his shoulder blade.

58. I'm afraid of needles! I'd rather scattered and Tribal versangre a needle.

59. Whining like little girl of 5 añoscuando I take blood samples.

60. I'm the worst person to tomarmedicamentos, always forgotten, because of that I almost died xD Aunqueahora try not to forget, although it is later re remember that not hehecho!

61. I complicated calculators, I think it's easier to get results by hand

62. My amazing ability to always pass the mathematics I made the field with excellent grades without moving unded by studying, and I proud of that, and why!

63. Although I loaded the math.

64. When I see people bothering lamicro, o. .. wherever, English insult

Oo 65. I love to go biking to theschool.

66. I have never slept without at dawn otrodí all messy bed, blankets on the floor and the mattress and outputs sábanasenrolladas ^ ^

67. I love wearing dresses and skirts .

68. I have seen millions of times cycles Disable ALL of America's next top model

69. I do not understand why put películasgringas the cheerleaders as hollow and delicate mine ... because cuandoestuve on the team was the time I've been more bruised, sprained and more rude xD


70. As it is Hana, I like tiposTsundere, problems with themselves, they have a mess on his head and chelate suppress everything. AND ... if true ... jajajaa.

71. I have repeated many times to serve tantagente not to have a relationship that I convinced myself, and if not for one small detail, I might as well.

72.'m Hypersensitive, everything affects me, though I am controlling it wonderful externally.

73. I love babies! Are the thing mashermosa the world. Every time I see one my eyes fill with tears, (because I'm hypersensitive)

74. Every time I eat something sweet, I crave something salty. Every time I eat something salty, seems to me algodulce. Every time I buy something sweet, I end up buying something salado.Cada time I want to buy something salty end up buying something sweet.

75. I love my career, it's just quesiempre wanted, but I like the idea of being a director, I prefer hacerdirección art, production, led, to directing actors.

76. Desodorantesambientales I do not like, or anything like that smells like lavender. But I love aromasdulces, and seasonings such as garlic, cinnamon, curry.

77.'m Lined with Sailor Moon, with Yaten ysobretodo

Kou = P 78. I think I'm the only person quel liked the ending of Lost

79. I've seen a million times laescena the end of Lost where Sawyer and Juliet meet in dedulces machine, and each time I cry.

80. I slept with the same white pillow case negracon think that all my life, or at least a lifetime to remember, yfunda is like a web of onion, but I will not change

xD 81. I love the flavored tea flavored elcafé rare and rare

82. When I was little necesitabaagarrarle the earlobe someone to fall asleep, and if not mine Oo grabbed habianadie

83. I'm super picky losolores are what gives me nausea, or what makes me choose which shampoocomprarme. I like the smell of some people too, I evokes sensations, as the smell of my mom's hair, etc.

84. I get nervous decariño samples to me, and most of the time the rejection, though, I encantanu.u

85. I think I never ever say "teamo" me too xD allergy and when I say they love me, Escom .. do not know, maybe self-defense.

86. I like to complicate my life, although most of the time xD I only complicates

87.'d Do anything for the biende my friends, take care, not anything for them if it is a xD stupid

88. The people he likes me all elmundo produces distrust and disgust.

89. The people who are too buenitay always wants to look good at all, too.

90. I am terribly self-conscious

91. I love taking pictures, especially the clouds, I have ... many

xD 92. I collect postcards of the world, but I have only three uu A Paris, one of Munchëny one of NY city, travel todasgracias of Niko. (This was a hint for people deotros countries = P = P send me

93. Ando cremate all day putting hands

94. Every time I travel south, has more mimaleta CDs, tapes, cables and such things, clothes.

95. I like rock, classical music, but also pop and traditional music, and weird little things.

96. I can not have a writer, director, film, book, favorite song, because it depends on the context that Diaye walk.

97. I kill people nerves quemenosprecia the things I like. But it only lasts a few seconds, porqueno interests me.

98. I do not care what gentecrea me, why I have no wish to be like them, I have clear as I am or comoquiero be) the Most of the time) and fills me with happiness, realmenteno need anyone's approval to feel good.

99. Even if all you do not need enaprobación, I need to love, sometimes when I'm conalguien kitten look of confidence lol.

100. When I have fear, and I'm in South, as I go to sleep with my mom, when I'm in Santiago, todasmis I get under blankets. Buh, never got over the fears night for something to happen uu

101. Although movie studio, I have not vistotodas films in the world or I spend stuck in a movie theater. Mecarga people believe that by studying film I have to be obsessive cinephile ysaberme all films in the world.

102. For me, my only real family, have always been the Vines, they are my supporters, with whom compartoy those who want more than anything. Perhaps because we are few, but there algoque makes me feel that they will always be there for me, and I for them ^ ^

103. Do not believe in zodiac signs stud predictions, but descriptions of each sign, and I sientogenial with all faults to be Sagittarius xD even if it is crazy, seahiperactiva, and do not bite your tongue. Bah, it's best!

104. I think I write better than muchaspersonas to which flatter too. Jo!

xD 105. I'm the best actress in the world, conmagíster to put smiles when I want to send the world to hell. Obviously, I can control self soytan only my emotional mess (?)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Natural Birth Control

These are the things we do in late summer where the sun comes in full force ... Insoles
xD children


terrible thing about this is that a few days ago we learned that the new cameras have an option to Univera recording slowed, and that is a thousand times more decent than slowed in Final cut ... so .... we wanted to kill us .. anyway, good to do these things with my friends and then the damn heat of the day in which any person died pale skin heatstroke (including me with two children) I loved seeing this is so sweet .. ^ ^

Even when making a bubble moving in the direction you choose is a pain in the ass.

Anyway, I hope that none of the Coven and tonight we fail our Wild on with Karaoke in the bar xD

Friday, August 13, 2010

Anorexia Middle School Projects

Bubbles! = D

Ok, after the other medirrme Diaye realize that I grew 2 inches and my height is 1.61
... Today I went to the most beautiful mall in Santiago ... I love your pool
xD And I bought what I saw the other day but in another branch

'm in love!

Now ... I just hope not to fall into my new xD

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fl Poptropica-funbrain

about 3 days ago that my radio does not return to Play FM signal, so I went back ; to listen Future FM.

is curious because, Fm da muchoo Play music I like but is more relaxed, perhaps even more emo, and that helped me depressed and think stupid things.

Since returning to listen Future Fm, that is pure rock Oo .... maybe I'm more animated even when given the program that's hard and loud heavy metal hyper xD it's not that I love but .. the Oo anyway listen
Of course, Future helps my irritable genius is sometimes xD

Funny how they do radio and trends in programming Oo

Now Playing AC / DC =)

I sent a short movie = Arica D!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Drivers Lisence England

Bicycle Radio Paradise City

photograph I took at last!
is so cute, even when blue is not exactly my favorite color, but bah, I can not ask for more, is very cute! not used and was bought on sale.

The first day I went to college it was terrible! It is good to physical exertion when air congelñla and fog, in the end I made it halfway walking xD And it took me an hour to get to college uu
But then when I came back home and not walking I got tired, and it took me half an hour ¬ ¬ so anymore biking in the cold morning.

if I can not think of this song, clearly not in mine so I will go xDD I love Queen