Friday, September 24, 2010

Reception Wording Spanish

Today on Friday .. and normally I would be happy if it was not ... no I mean go Friday to rest uu
is curious as to reach the weekend creates the illusion that I can be happy and sleep, only to realize that I record and edit out y. .. many things.

Anyway, I love my career and stressful stupid xD

Today was my custom to Mercadito Nicholas. My new heart pendant that holds .... things I do not know what the heck if I can keep dwarf. Also my beautiful rings strawberries (I strawberries, meringue and chocolate *¬*), and my click with red ribbon xDDDD (and I end up doing cosplay soon jo!) Also bought things

the supermarket that I lacked, I hate when I want a can of tuna and are not specific, but at least the trays of mushrooms down in price and bought ^ ^.

While the best are my new glasses, because ....

We were doing the test camera with one of the actors (which is very nice and cute xDD) and I left my glasses with my water bottle and my purse ... and my producer and dear friend, put her back on top ¬ ¬ and broke my glasses ... so I bought some new coming out of college ... I have new glasses!

worse do not know if I leave things everywhere, or that she put her back without looking where

xD And when I got home, the depa, I looked and there was a landscape photo. y. ... duh! was a postcard!! In Bariloche, so I started screaming like crazy (ok, I know, as always = P) and came to my room to read and be happy. Although he had no chocolate uu Bunny ate the chocolate! Dias

disgusting in many ways but ... bah, I'm Sagittarius, today I'm in a good mood = D


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