Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cruising Places Ottawa On

Chile earthquake: earthquake reconstruction

Now if the owners of this economic power became masters of the country, now if that due to the earthquake of February 27, 2010, showed the casual union with the Catholic Church to carry out neocon 'reconstruction the affected countries. " Businessmen and priests, notes and bloody crosses stand as paradigms of philanthropy, the so-called solidarity, to wash his thefts.
In a country which since 1973 has been governed by ideas, political, economic and value, right, shows his face: the appearances. Face hidden wealth of human misery, aquellaconstruida over three decades of gradual elimination of society in pursuit of individuality. After
appear on television, calling around the country to donate money to rebuild: telethon and advertising, tax returns and ultimately they recover the donations, the church washes his hands to raise, which I donated to vile merchant mediaguas get up, and those who always pay are the same as requiring assistance. They are also the same as consumed, without reflection or critical analysis or what is presented by the media. So impunity is validated by a letting go of the other, the first conscious of his action, the second unconscious in his life.


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