deseseranza only continue that settles my soul in every time I walk through the streets.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Numero De Serie De Nero Vision
But in America had, and we have own factories samples from cadavers. These are the places where politics has become biopolitics.
As I said before Auschwitz is our future because of indifference, impunity, lack of critical reflection upon, the question is not the least of our lives and what we see in the media, is becoming standard in our everyday social functioning. So it is worth asking: What are we arguing with what we do?
But we're doing something. If positive, the answer is what we do and who we serve, for surely it is the reproduction and legitimization of what we live. The denial of the answer takes us to continue as we are.
foreshadowing of the current civilization, where everything tends to decline to become a confusing body movements, and compulsive insignificant. Artifice and servitude for life stripping everything on our environment. Bodies produce no deaths or deaths, only bodies with a number that accumulates as gains in the stock market. More bodies, more efficiently, more effectively, to leave 3 / 4 parts of humanity in poverty, in misery, while we feed them. Policies aimed
the body as a malleable whole mass-species in a statistical data that makes them manageable.
Monday, December 28, 2009
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From a picture of Goya (in his "Caprichos"), I think we must realize that our 'future' is nothing more than to live in a concentration camp n; "Auchwitz not our past but our future" with every action and inaction, abandoned, and dispose of, our freedom for security crude fantasy is offered as Christmas OFERTON promoted by the media show us the danger of leaving the interior of our homes. So
led like sheep to the slaughterhouse (or, perhaps, cliff), death is certain without knowing that we have no life.
"... And I'm happy and I sing and dance,
they think I did any damage
and gone to worship the King, God and his bishop that make a paradise our misery "
(William Blake, The Chimney Sweep, extract)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
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The situation merits the continuation of saturated quo, the days of hell in Dante celebrate the sacrifices on the altar of state domination. Head down to kiss the feet of others, or resign themselves to a cross meekly. Keep seeing each passing day, spending the latter busy people with no signs of humanity attentive and nothing wasted what little they have. Only
Thursday, December 24, 2009
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nothing special. Maybe to comment on the holiday that celebrates the millennia of domination and slavery, the media highlighted with words of love and good will but to fight back tears and suffering of more than half of humanity subjugated living in poverty to give us a taste that will pay for a year.
Let us be part of the irresponsible, ignorant and miserable mass than buying a gift believes redemption. Or we're human beings who believe every day is a good day to give (a flower, anything, our solidarity, our strength and love, and especially our hearts for those we love and humanity in general). Again
any single day, but with the satisfaction that every moment, every second, every breath I feel the joy of living to see the clouds (which bring the water that feeds us), PAs ; birds at my window, the smile of every child, every little thing is a second which is not traded or with the card or with the messianic idea of a better world, or with a job or almost anything . Just to make someone happy every day and every second of my life. Mon
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
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Monday, September 14, 2009
Engineering Club High School
The electricity production systems called photovoltaic systems enable the transformation of the energy content solar radiation into electrical energy. These systems are characterized by a degree of autonomy with respect to climate, geography, and other conditions that few can achieve energy sources. Geographic locations characterized by receiving a high level of solar radiation are the most conducive to its use.
face of conventional energy, solar photovoltaic presents the characteristic of being an unlimited source of energy, renewable energy deals. Is also characterized by its "ubiquitous" and may be seized anywhere on the planet's surface (though obviously not with the same intensity in all places and at all times). This ubiquity makes possible a wide range of applications (limited only by the power required).
energy sources environmental impacts are inevitable. More and more clear these effects on the planet. Acid rain, greenhouse gases, radioactive waste, nuclear accidents ... there is greater awareness - because you know every day - with respect to these adverse effects and greater social sensitivity - which have specifically generated by the ecological movement, etc.. - Are factors that make this possible is an increasingly viable alternative and attractive compared to other energy sources. This is not a theory. A striking example is the case of the USA who has directed most of its budget for energy research projects related to photovoltaic energy. If you continue this level of RESEARCH AND the number of projects, it is clear that photovoltaics will play a key role in power generation in the United States, especially in areas capita ; Lidasan, such as Florida (which is one of the places in America where more studies on this type of energy has been made).
Brief History of photovoltaic systems The
Early research in this field focused on product development for space applications, and its first successful use in the manufacture of artificial satellites. Its main features made them ideal for supplying energy in outer space.
The cells were first marketed in 1955. But only in the early eighties, began to settle photovoltaic companies. It was also during this decade than in the U.S., the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) established methods and testing and performance standards for photovoltaic modules. These activities helped companies reduce costs and improve performance, efficiency and reliability.
How are photovoltaic converters
line photovoltaic cells and photovoltaic panels are made of silicon. This element - the second most abundant in the crust - is what allows the process of generating electricity. The energy gap estimated by the theoretical conversion efficiency voltaic materials, determines the spectral absorption characteristic of the material in the fundamental absorption region. Silicon has a cut 1.2u absorption with a strong increase in the absorption coefficient at longer wavelengths. The fundamental region is the sensitive region of the cell in Sicily.
When pure silicon doped with impurities of certain chemicals, unique electrical properties obtained in the presence of sunlight. How doped Silicon? A diode is formed - as its name indicates - in two parts: one negative and one positive. On the positive side, the electrons missing material. On the negative side, you can spare. When the two parts come together is called semiconductor diode. It semiconductor (see the theoretical definition of this concept, which is located before ...) in the sense that the electric current can flow only in one direction. Moreover, unlike conductive materials, as the temperature increases, performance increases. Silicon has four electrons. You can only get to have "a positive and a negative Silicon" if you dope with contaminants. For example, if we introduce phosphorus to its composition, we get a negative Silicon, as others would get one electron at a time (if we consider that the match has 5 electrons in the last layer) . However, if we introduce aluminum - three electrons in the last layer - we will have a positive silicon.
I said, only by doping the silicon, has the appropriate characteristics. This is because the chemical properties of elements are determined by the number of electrons in the top layer and electrons missing to complete. Sicily, as well as we said, has four electrons and four others are missing to complete. When atoms join Sicilian other, sharing the electrons of the last layers of neighboring atoms and form covalent bonds, these combinations give rise to a crystalline structure. This is the composition of photovoltaic cells. They measure between 7 and 9 inches and are thin and rectangular or circular.
Silicon is processed - after working complex - and it is formed with a cylinder lens and solid. This is a very pure semiconductor crystal. This cylinder is cut, in turn, into thin slices that are then chemically treated before they become photovoltaic cells. Then connect wires to the cell surface: A positively charged side and a negative side. This completes the electrical circuit. When the cell is exposed to light, electricity flows through the circuit. To improve efficiency and system capacity can be connected - also by wires - many cells in a series. This is called a module (module) and can also be connected, in turn, several modules. The more modules you add, the more electricity can be generated.
cells are powered by what is called "photovoltaic effect" (photo comes from light, voltaic electricity). When the sun hit the surface of the cell, free electrons from atoms of the material. Electrons, excited by light, moving through Sicily. Certain chemical elements added to the composition Silicon can set the path to follow the electrons.
photovoltaic That is the phenomenon and its consequence is the direct electrical current. This stream may be stored in "batteries" for, if desired, can be used outside daylight hours. Each cell (or cell) is able to generate 2 to 4 amps at a voltage of 0.46 to 0.48 V using as raw material only from solar radiation. In addition, support both direct and diffuse radiation, which means that electric power can be achieved even in the days cloudy. Therefore, it is quite efficient. It is also relatively simple, photovoltaic cells have no moving parts, no maintenance needed and have a lifespan of between 20 and 30 years - and yet, their construction requires sophisticated technology that is available only in some countries like USA, Germany, Spain Japanandthe. That is why, although the direct conversion of the visible solar spectrum is perhaps the most orderly way and aesthetics of all those that exist for the use of solar energy, unfortunately this technology has not been fully developed.
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Each of the last 20 years has been warmer than the long-term global average, and with the 1998 record, the 10 warmest years of the century have all occurred since 1983, seven of them in this decade.
Temperatures have risen by 1.25 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century, comparing with its beginning. While this increase may not seem very high, distributed across the planet is a tremendous amount of energy. It is also a huge spike in temperature. While temperatures vary greatly from site to site, day N'Diaye from hour to hour, the average temperature across the surface of the planet remains remarkably stable from year to year. When going up only a small fraction of a degree, as it has in recent years, establishing a record. That's why as the heat wave in 1998-about everything one degree F above the average of 1961 to 1990 - impresses and worries scientists. "That number is staggering," said climatologist Philip Jones of the University of East Anglia in England, one of the main climatological information centers worldwide.
The amazing record of 1998 marks a powerful long-term trend. "The rapid warming of the last 25 years undermines the argument of skeptics about the greenhouse effect, which have argued that most of the global warming occurred early in this century, when greenhouse gases were increasing more slowly-in fact, faster warming is occurring exactly when expected, "according to the director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at NASA, James E. Hansen.
In late 1998, the scientist Thomas Widley National Center for Atmospheric Research and two colleagues published the results of rigorous statistical tests of the last 115 years of temperature data. They compared data collected with the climate system models made by computer to determine whether a cyclical rise in the intensity of the sun, could have caused the warming global, rather than the greenhouse gases produced by humans. Concluded that the climate should have been six times more sensitive to solar changes what is considered realistic to allow the warming trend. "These results provide another important piece in the puzzle of climate change, further strengthening our confidence that there has been a discernible human influence on climate."
Milena Velba Jan 2010
solar energy has taken a very important level at present, more and more people and businesses are taking it into account technological developments and upgrading of its industries, reducing costs, saving energíay caring for the environment by using renewable energy.
is why it is essential to understand its principles, its operations and its practical applications. This has given rise to the solar energy courses for useful applications, such as building solar thermal water heaters, solar energy collectors and more than can help people save energy and protect the environment, reducing costs and implementing new technologies.
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The solar energy is a type of solar energy based on the application of the photovoltaic effect, which occurs when light strikes semiconductor materials, so generates a flow of electrons inside the material. Applications
of great interest to cover consumption in isolated places. Photovoltaic solar energy is used commercially for power generation at the site of application, covering small loads. Not giving foreign supplies (fuel) or other types of resources (water, wind ...), applies in places that are inaccessible to the distribution network.
Solar photovoltaics
off-grid applications grid-connected applications
· central rural electrification photoelectric
· Applications building integrated livestock farming
· ; Pumping
· Telecommunications
· independent lighting
· Signage
Operating Principles
The applications of solar PV is based on the use of photovoltaic effect, this is produced by impacting solar radiation on a material called a semiconductor. Received energy causes a chaotic motion of electrons. If two regions of a semiconductor, which has been artificially endowed with different concentrations of electrons (adding doping substances such as phosphorus and boron), it causes a constant electrostatic field be renewed the motion of electrons in the direction and desired direction, so when incident solar radiation, appears in the photovoltaic solar cell voltage, which by placing metal contacts can be "removed" electricity. The face of the cell on the incident radiation has a grid that allows the passage of light and current draw simultaneously, and the other face is covered with metal.
Most solar cells are mono or poly crystalline silicon, the former being more efficient.
Within the technical aspects should be mentioned concentration systems that will achieve higher efficiency levels. These concentrating systems can be:
· Static-free solar tracking using refractive media.
· Dynamic-tracked to allow concentrate solar radiation reflection.
A photovoltaic system consists of:
· Subsystem capture-transform sunlight into electricity.
· Storage Subsystem-store it Energía.
· -control subsystem regulates the power input from the catchment area.
· Subsystem Power-appropriate adaptation characteristics energíaa demands for applications.
solar collector subsystem
radiation values change throughout the day, so proper placement is important panels. His guidance will be provided to the south although the inclination of the panels will vary depending on the month of the year in which we are, because the sun will affect the earth with a different angle;
· 60 ° in the winter months
· 15 º in the summer months.
To improve the performance of the collection system can be fitted with movement to support the installation may be a move on:
· ; A north-south axis-tracking
· Two-axis vertical east-west track.
To take advantage of sunlight.
accumulation subsystem
The PV is customary to use batteries to store power generated for later use in times of low or no sunlight .
current adaptation Subsystems
In certain applications that work in DC can not match the voltage supplied to the elements requested by the consumer, so the solution is a voltage converter. In other cases, the application includes elements that work in AC, since both panels and batteries, work requires a DC power inverter. Applications
· facilities off-grid electrification
home. Regarding the design criteria are two types of facilities:
· Centered a single generator-powered all consumers of a group.
· Decentralized-each home is powered by a photovoltaic generator independently.
also depend on the type of power to use and benefit of the facility. Such facilities tend to be domestic, so it is advisable to remember that the energy consumed is not unlimited, and that harness this energy collection system is preferable to match the increased use of energy with more sunshine hours.
· networked facilities.
can be found two cases:
· photoelectric or power stations, for the production of energy into electricity.
· PV systems in buildings.
In these facilities, "networked" no elements of accumulation of energy produced as it can use the energy from the grid to meet the demand not covered by the photovoltaic . Advantages
· has a high quality energy
· is inexhaustible on a human scale
· ; Pequeñoo no environmental space use
· not add CO2 to the atmosphere and thus avoid the process of global warming as a result of greenhouse
· not contribute to the formation of acid rain
· not lead to the formation of Nox
· not require sophisticated security measures
· not produce toxic waste are difficult or impossible to treatment or disposal
· The plant cost is quite high and the energy conversion efficiency is low
· The non-uniform solar radiation limits the possibility of harnessing this energíaa areas and countries with a high number of sunshine hours
· large area of land occupied by facilities
· a considerable environmental impact while significantly changes the ecosystem the production area
· can not be stored directly, requiring a transformation current Energy
policy· high initial disbursement
· ; results is doubtful and may still be somewhat experimental.
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E l is known as FOREX Market Currencies Electronic SPOT, is quoted foreign exchange trading real prices.
This means that an investor either buy (long) a currency or sell (short) another currency real price or current. The FOREX market is the largest financial market in the world. Daily, two trillion dollars are traded in different currencies around the world.
Forex Trading As the basis for international transactions and foreign capital, liquidity and volume are much greater than any other financial market in the world. It is estimated that the average trading volume for the largest stock exchange in the world that is New Bag York, a full month is equal to the volume that is traded daily in the Forex. It is also estimated that this volume will increase by 25% annually, which also makes it the fastest growing market.
Liquidity Forex market is one of the advantages that differentiates it from other international markets. The existence of the Dealers (Negotiators), working around the world, gives us a market operating 24 hours a day, making it possible to enter or exit the market at any time of day. In addition, operating through the Internet, orders purchase or sale may be executed in seconds, at any time of day.
Unlike other financial markets and exchanges, the Forex market is not a centralized market. Is negotiated directly by Banks, Dealers and Market Makers and Market Makers. Until recently, the Electronic Market Currencies SPOT was exclusively operated by large Government or Private Banking and Financial Institutions. For a trader (Forex Trading) individual was very difficult to get into this market because of the magnitude of capital required to operate it. Today, thanks to dealers "online" a trader willing to invest a minimum of U.S. $ 10,000 .- can quickly access the Forex. With the system of leverage or leverage, a trader may operate a U.S. $ 100,000 .- with only $ 1,000 of equity.
The Forex is traded primarily with speculative trading purposes. Operators or traders try to anticipate the movements of the currency market with the aim of making a profit on each trade transaction. It is estimated that 95% of all Forex transactions are done for speculative purposes.
In the world there yet hundreds of currencies traded in Forex four major currencies, the Yen, Euro, Pound Sterling and Swiss Franc others these quoted against the U.S. Dollar. Many people are interested in operating in the Forex market for its international news, as currency movements represent changes in the economies of each country regarding others. Market volatility also makes investing in it is very interesting, because the market can move sharply as a result of leveraged transactions and may achieve significant gains in a single day. Anyway and can make big profits in a few hours, you can also suffer significant losses at the same time.
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is very important in our times to be informed, and above all to be informed through the right sources and that these days there are many sources of information that is difficult to distinguish to be reliable.
Having a reliable source of information is very important to be trained in the issues and technologies today, such as energy solar, qe ever has a greater presence in our daily lives and is essential to know how it works and we can do with it to save money and energíay to save our planet from global warming due to carbon emissions
It would be ideal to take a course appropriate solar energy from a reliable source and truthful and torque to implement solar energy in our lives .
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Lae, is a type of solar energy based on the application of photovoltaic effect that occurs when light strikes semiconductor materials, so as to generate a flow of electrons inside the material. Applications
of great interest to cover consumption in isolated places. Photovoltaic solar energy is used commercially for power generation at the site of application, covering small loads. Not giving foreign supplies (fuel) or other types of resources (water, wind ...), applies in places that are inaccessible to the distribution network. Solar
off-grid applications grid-connected applications
· photoelectric central rural electrification ELECTRICAL
· Applications building integrated livestock farming
· Pumping
· Telecommunications
· independent lighting
· ; Signage
Operating Principles
The applications of solar PV is based on the use of photovoltaic effect, this, is produced by solar radiation impact on a material called a semiconductor. Received energy causes a chaotic motion of electrons. If two regions of a semiconductor, which has been artificially endowed with different concentrations of electrons (adding doping substances such as phosphorus and boron), it causes a constant electrostatic field to be renewed the motion of electrons in the direction and desired direction, so when incident solar radiation, appears in the photovoltaic solar cell voltage that by placing metal contacts can be "removed" electricity. The face of the cell on the incident radiation has a grid that allows the passage of light and current draw simultaneously, and the other face is covered with metal.
Most Solar cells are mono or poly crystalline silicon, the former being more efficient.
Within the technical aspects should be mentioned concentration systems that will achieve higher efficiency levels. These concentrating systems can be:
· Static-free solar tracking using refractive media.
· Dynamic-tracked to allow concentrate solar radiation reflection.
A photovoltaic system consists of:
· Sub-catchment transform sunlight into electricity .
· Subsystem storage-store energy.
· Sub-regulation regulates the power input from the catchment area.
· Subsystem Power-appropriate adaptation characteristics energíaa demands for applications.
solar collector subsystem
radiation values change throughout the day, so it is important to the proper placement of the panels. His guidance will be provided to the south although the inclination of the panels will vary depending on the month of the year in which we are, because the sun will affect the earth with a different angle;
· 60 degrees in the winter months
· 15 º in the summer months.
To improve the performance of the collection system can be fitted with movement to support the installation may be a move on:
· ; A north-south axis-tracking
· Two-axis vertical east-west track.
To take advantage of sunlight.
accumulation subsystem
The PV is customary to use batteries to store power generated for later use in times of low or no sunlight .
adaptation Subsystems Current
In certain applications that work in DC can not match the voltage supplied to the elements requested by the consumer, so the solution is a voltage converter. In other cases, the application includes elements that work in AC, since both panels and batteries, work requires a DC power inverter. Applications
· facilities off-grid electrification
home. Regarding the design criteria There are two types of facilities:
· -Centered a single generator feeds all consumers in a group.
· Decentralized-each home is powered by a photovoltaic generator independently.
also depend on the type of power to use and benefit installation. Such facilities tend to be domestic, so it is advisable to remember that the energy consumed is not unlimited, and that to make the energy harvesting system is preferable to match the largest energy use with more sunshine hours.
· networked facilities.
can be found two cases:
· photoelectric or power stations, for the production of electricity.
· PV systems in buildings.
In these facilities, "networked" no elements of accumulation of energy produced as it can use the energy from the grid to meet the demand not covered by the photovoltaic .
Advantages of its use
· has a high quality energy
· is inexhaustible on a human scale
· Small or no environmental space use
· not add CO2 to the atmosphere and thus avoid the process of global warming as a result of greenhouse
· not contribute to the formation of acid rain
· not lead to the formation of Nox
· not require sophisticated security measures
· not produce toxic waste are difficult or impossible to treatment or disposal
· The plant cost is quite high and the energy conversion efficiency is low
· The nonuniform solar radiation limits the possibility of harnessing this energíaa areas and countries with a high number of sunshine hours
· large area of land occupied by facilities
· a considerable environmental impact while significantly changes the ecosystem of the area in production
· No can be stored directly, being necessary energy transformation
· high initial disbursement
· results is doubtful and may still be somewhat experimental.
Monday, August 17, 2009
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Until Parliament has not changed things much in these parts, but soon was settled.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
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is very important in our times be informed, and above all to be informed through the right sources and that these days there are many sources of information that is difficult to distinguish those that are reliable.
Having a reliable source of information is very important to be trained in the issues and technologies today, such as the solar energy, qe ever has a major presence in daily life and it is essential to know how it works and we can do with it to save money and energíay to save our planet from global warming due to emissions
It would be ideal to take a course appropriate solar energy from a reliable source and truthful and torque to implement solar energy in our lives.
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systems of electricity called photovoltaic systems enable the transformation of the energy content of solar radiation into electrical energy. These systems are characterized by a degree of autonomy with respect to climate, geography, and other conditions that few can achieve energy sources. Geographic locations characterized by receiving a high level of solar radiation are the most conducive to its use.
face of conventional energy, solar photovoltaic presents the characteristic of being an unlimited source of energy, renewable energy deals. Is also characterized by its "ubiquitous" and may be seized anywhere on the planet's surface (though obviously not with the same intensity in all places and at all times). This ubiquity makes possible a wide range of applications (limited only by the power required).
energy sources have environmental impacts inevitable. Increasingly, clearer purpose on the planet. Acid rain, greenhouse gases, radioactive waste, nuclear accidents ... there is greater awareness - because you know every day - with respect to these adverse effects and greater social sensitivity - which have specifically generated by the ecological movement, etc.. - Are factors that make this possible is an increasingly viable alternative and attractive compared to other energy sources. This is not a theory. A striking example is the case of the USA who has directed most of its budget for energy research to projects related to photovoltaic energy. If you continue this level of RESEARCH AND the number of projects, it is clear that photovoltaics will play a key role in power generation in the United States, especially in areas capita ; Lidasan, such as Florida (which is one of the places in America where more studies on this type of energy has been made).
Brief History of photovoltaic systems
Early research in this field focused on product development for applications space, and its first successful use in the manufacture of artificial satellites. Its main features made them ideal for supplying energy in outer space.
The cells were first marketed in 1955. But only in the early eighties, began to settle photovoltaic companies. It was also during this decade than in the U.S., the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) established standards and test methods and performance for modules photovoltaics. These activities helped companies reduce costs and improve performance, efficiency and reliability.
How are photovoltaic converters
photovoltaic cells photovoltaic panels are lined and are manufactured with Silicon. This element - the second most abundant in the crust - is what allows the process of generating electricity. The energy gap estimated by the theoretical conversion efficiency of voltaic material, determines the characteristic spectral absorption the material in the fundamental absorption region. Silicon has a cut 1.2u absorption with a strong increase in the absorption coefficient at longer wavelengths. The fundamental region is the sensitive region of the cell in Sicily.
Al doping pure silicon with impurities of certain chemicals, unique electrical properties obtained in the presence of sunlight. How doped Silicon? A diode is formed - as its name indicates - in two parts: one negative and one positive. On the positive side, the material missing electrons. On the negative side, you can spare. When the two parts come together is called semiconductor diode. It semiconductor (see the theoretical definition of this concept, which is located before ...) in the sense that the electric current can flow only in one direction. Moreover, unlike conductive materials, as the temperature increases, performance increases. Silicon has four electrons. You can only get to have "a positive and a negative Silicon" if you dope with contaminants. For example, if we introduce phosphorus to its composition, Silicon will get a negative, since an electron would get other time (if we consider that the match has 5 electrons in the last layer). However, if we introduce aluminum - three electrons in the last layer - we will have a positive silicon.
I said, only by doping the silicon, has the appropriate characteristics. This is because the chemical properties of elements are determined by the number of electrons in the top layer and electrons missing to complete. Sicily, as well as already mentioned, has four electrons and four others are missing to complete. When atoms join Sicilian other, sharing the electrons of the last layers of neighboring atoms and form covalent bonds, these combinations give rise to a crystalline structure. This is the composition of photovoltaic cells. They measure between 7 and 9 inches and are thin and rectangular or circular. Silicon is processed
- after complex processing - and it is formed with a cylinder lens and solid. This is a very pure semiconductor crystal. The cylinder is cut, in turn, into thin slices that are then chemically treated before they become photovoltaic cells. Then connect wires to the cell surface: A positively charged side and a negative side. This completes the electrical circuit. When the cell is exposed to light, electricity flows through the circuit. To improve efficiency and system capacity can be connected - including by wire - various cells in a series. This is called a module (module) and can also be connected, in turn, several modules. The more modules you add, the more electricity can be generated.
cells are powered by what is called "photovoltaic effect" (photo comes from light, voltaic electricity). When the sun hit the surface of the cell, free electrons from atoms of the material. Electrons, excited by light, moving through Sicily. Certain chemical elements added to the composition of silicon can set the path to follow the electrons. That is the phenomenon
photovoltaic and its consequence is the direct electrical current. This stream may be stored in "batteries" for, if desired, can be used outside daylight hours. Each cell (or cell) is able to generate 2 to 4 amps at a voltage of 0.46 to 0.48 V using as raw material only from solar radiation. In addition, support both direct and diffuse radiation, which means that electric energy can be even on cloudy days. Therefore, it is quite efficient. It is also relatively simple, photovoltaic cells have no moving parts, not need maintenance and have a lifespan of between 20 and 30 years - and yet, their manufacture requires a sophisticated technology that is available only in some countries like the United States , Germany, Spain Japanandthe. That is why, although the direct conversion of the visible solar spectrum is perhaps the most orderly way and aesthetics of all that exist for the use of Solar Energy unfortunately this technology has not been fully developed.
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Solar energy level has taken a very important today, more and more people and businesses are taking it into account for technological development and improvement of their industries, reducing costs, saving energíay caring for the environment by using renewable energy.
is why it is essential to understand its principles, its operations and its practical applications. This has given rise to the solar energy courses for useful applications, such as building solar thermal water heaters, solar energy collectors and more than can help people save energíaya care for the environment, reducing costs and implementing new technologies.
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That is the question that any person decides to start when you want to learn a little investment, but I doubt that the first way to realize the magnitude of the subject that begins to address.
is why I urge restraint on the interpretative work of this article otherwise overflow in judgments of blame at the conclusion that the small definition given does not explain or even a quarter what this term encompasses.
FOREX Trading is an investment system that involves the exchange of currencies, or what is best, buying and selling different currencies, the Forex market is a great market because the operations are done via Internet, through various pre-approved specialized software called operating platforms.
While this definition is essentially technical, I believe that a greater understanding of a potential reader lacking the necessary tools to understand the meaning given above, it is necessary to make any notable excerpts:
" , What is a currency?
The Royal Academy of English define the term, considering the economic meaning is that we want as
Foreign currency refers to the unity of the country concerned.
And then it follows that we talk about currency when you are talking about the currency of another country, then for example for Americans to EURO is a currency but not the U.S. dollar.
Now that you know the meaning of the word currency, which will have to do is put in the context to understand the true importance of it when we're talking FOREX.
If you already know that Forex is the foreign exchange market, all you have to understand is that how you manage to make a profit as is cheap when you buy a currency at a specified price and then sell when the price of this has increased, this leads me to emphasize that the purchase of a currency is nothing to change one currency for another, to understand this, it should give you an example: Suppose you decide
$ 3000 buy in yen, then you will be selling dollars and buying yen.
is why people often refer to as the operations done in Forex currency trading, and it is this the most important point you have to take into account when deciding to perform an operation , certainly in this first introductory phase, it is very difficult to try to delve into the issue, since in doing so, probably his intellect come into a sea of doubt.
best now is that you review some basic concepts that have been mentioned before, and continue on with the other items in this section shall
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1. The materials that we use.
- Raw materials.
Each object is made of different materials. The different substances from which we get the materials are called raw materials.
- Some materials of particular importance.
Paper: paper-making is used as raw material cellulose.
As we consume a lot of paper to cut down many trees there.
Glass: Glass is needed to make sand, soda, soda, lime and energy. Sand, soda ash and limestone are the raw materials needed to manufacture glass. Plastic
: raw materials for plastic are extracted oil. Plastic is collected for distillation of petroleum.
2. What do we throw away?
In a very short time, the products seem old and useless and throw away. The things that make up household waste are called municipal solid waste.
residues are formed by a variety of materials: batteries, soil and ash, stone and ceramics, textiles, wood, rubber and leather, metals, plastics, glass, paper and paperboard , and other organic matter.
Organic matter: it is mainly food waste.
inert matter (or inorganic) is bottles, cans, cardboard, sheet metal, plastics, etc.
When we throw away an object are also pulling the raw materials with which it has been manufactured.
3. What can we do to it?
produce too much garbage, almost thirty pounds dumped into uncontrolled landfills, harming the environment and can cause health problems.
Waste incineration is an alternative to traditional landfill, although it can cause environmental problems.
Reducing the volume of waste: refuse containers that do not have a conservation feature for product hygiene. Reuse
products: avoid wherever possible possible products "disposable" as non-returnable bottles or plastic bags.
Recycling waste: is to separate the waste materials to be reused in the manufacture of new products.
Many materials in the waste can be used to produce other new items. The materials are easier to recycle paper and glass, and second metals.
recycle a material is to develop a new product from a previous one that has no utility. 4.Reciclado
glass and paper.
- How recycled glass?
bottles are collected containers are crushed and removed all kinds of impurities, then this glass powder is mixed with other raw materials and get the molten glass.
- Recycle paper a great idea.
cutting paper is mixed with water and glue, then form a sheet with the paste and dried with a sponge on a grid, separates this film and pressed between two sheets of wood, ú Finally allowed to dry.
recycling paper and glass reduces the cost of raw materials and energy.
5.Reciclado of organic matter and plastics.
- How use the organic matter?
In nature, everything is recycled. The organic matter from leaves, animal droppings and dead bodies decompose in the earth, transformed into substances that nourish the soil and encourage the growth of new plants.
In the rotating sieve separates the waste organic matter bulkier. The separated organic matter left to decay in large fermentation tanks, where it becomes compost. Are removed by magnetic separation of fermented organic matter objects metal that can contaminate the soil.
- Plastics
There are many varieties of plastics, and each type requires different treatment. The recycling of plastics is a very complex process, which requires classification prior to treatment.
Recycled plastic is used to manufacture various types of packaging.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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Through a series of mirrors that reflect the sun can reach temperatures over 125 ° C
have up to twice the capacity than those developed in other countries, so you can serve to families up to 8 integrantesInvestigadores Mexicans have developed stoves capable of cooking a barbecue complete in just a few minutes using only the sun's energy, as well as becoming a source of clean power, entails considerable savings.
These solar cookers created for both rural and urban, could also be used to desalinate sea water, sterilizing surgical instruments or reduce excessive energy consumption in the industry, according to Joseph , Antonio Urbano Castelán, Engineering Department RESEARCH AND Electrical Center for Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) and coordinator of this project.
The range aims to offer an alternative low-cost energy in rural communities, to support six to eight people without modifying the diet, since it can fully enjoy a barbecue cook up a pot of beans.
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Friday, January 30, 2009
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Friday, January 23, 2009
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are several reasons that make water heaters by thermosyphon solar are an attractive and increasingly in demand and popular:
Economic aspect: Initially it is more expensive to buy a solar heater to a conventional gas. Yet the solar heater uses free energy from the sun while the gas heater uses conventional fossil that is not free. The cumulative expenditure involving the purchase of gas every month comes quickly to match the expenditure incurred on the purchase of solar heater. It is estimated that the average recovery period of money invested in the solar heater is between 1 and 3 years depending on the use made of it.
to this we must add that the price of gas is constantly increasing, which causes the recovery time is reduced even more.
The replacement rate of gas solar thermal water heating is estimated at around 80% when properly dimensioned, and for practical purposes often substantially higher than this figure.
-Energy Independence. Having a solar heater means having a greater energy independence with respect to gas companies or electricity to heat water, with their price increases or possible supply problems.
-ecological aspects "No less important than this is the ecological implications that come with purchasing a solar heater. By not using combustion for heating water, we release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and contributing to global warming and air pollution. You can advantage of a very abundant energy source and free as the sun
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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in the sun as a result of nuclear fusion reactions.
intensity solar energy available on a particular point on Earth
The power radiation varies time of day, weather conditions that and latitude. One can assume that in good conditions of irradiation the value is approximately 1000 W / m power of radiation varies with time of day, weather conditions and the buffer latitude. One can assume that in good conditions of irradiation the value is approximately 1000 W / m² on Earth's surface. This power is known as irradiance.
Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse components, or the sum of both. The direct radiation reaching the solar focus directly, without intermediate reflections or refractions. Fuzzy is issued by the daytime sky by reflection upon the many phenomena of solar refraction in the atmosphere, clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use, while it is not possible to concentrate the diffused light coming from all directions.
² at the surface. This power is known as irradiance.
Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse components, or the sum of both. The direct radiation reaching the solar focus directly, without intermediate reflections or refractions. Fuzzy is issued by the daytime sky by reflection upon the many phenomena of solar refraction in the atmosphere, clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use while it is not possible to concentrate the diffused light coming from all directions.
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The operation of the solar heater is simple and effective . It consists of two main parts:
-collector - Element responsible for capturing the sun's energy and transform it into heat. Using a metal structure gives collectors a suitable angle to ensure that optimal uptake throughout the year.
The collector in turn consists of the following parts:
-Box: A metallic element that contains other elements.
-Absorber: Element responsible for transforming solar radiation into heat. This is a black surface with different characteristics depending on the type of collector
-Cover: transparent element responsible for causing the greenhouse effect inside the box to increase the temperature and the use of heat by absorbing
-accumulator or tank, tank where hot water is stored for consumption. To prevent water lose their heat during the night the heat storage tank is sealed with appropriate insulation materials.
The tank and collector are connected by pipes.
The water heating process begins when the sun's rays strike the collector surface and raise the temperature of the water flowing through the pipes you have in your interior.
loses water when heated and tends to rise density passing through the pipeline to the storage tank is located above. The space that frees up water that has risen is replaced by water that has not been heated from the accumulator. This water is heated in turn by the same procedure and again repeating the process up while the sun's rays impinge on the collector.
This establishes a natural cycle in which all the solar energy captured in the collector enters the tank.
At the end of the day we have hot water, between 45 and 75 degrees Celsius heat stored in the tank sealed. It is estimated that the average loss during the night temperature inside the tank is between 3 and 7 degrees Celsius, so you can enjoy hot water stored during the night or morning before to come out of the sun.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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The solar energy is guaranteed for the next 6,000 million years. The sun has shone in the sky for about five billion years, and it is estimated that still has not reached half of its existence. It is a source of life and origin of other forms of energy that man has used since the dawn of history, and can meet all our needs if we learn how to make a rational manner that continually shed light on planet. It is an inexhaustible energy source, given its magnitude and because its purpose will be the end of life on Earth.
This year, the sun casts on the Earth four thousand times energy than we consume. It would be wise not to try to take advantage, by all means technically possible, this free energy source, clean and renewable, it can definitely get rid of dependence on oil or other unsafe alternatives, or simply contaminants. It should be noted that there are some problems we face and overcome. Apart from the difficulties that would lead to advanced solar energy policy itself must be borne in mind that this power is subject to continuous variations or less abrupt. For example, solar radiation is lower in winter, just when we need it most.
is vital to continuing the development of emerging imaging technology, acumulacióny distribution of solar energy, to create conditions that make it definitely competitive, worldwide.
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Before falling into the hell of the debtors, people who feel that the water has reached the neck and can drown and fail to meet the payment of their credit cards, should consider alternatives such as debt restructuring, closing with the bank that issued the loan.
staff cuts at several companies during the first half of 2009, left much to credit card customers affected in their ability to pay, warned many personal finance experts.
The problem of nonperforming loans in 2009 will be something spectacular right now talking about 9 or 10%, but you may hear, in 2009, during the first six months, increases 20 or 30% default rates, said in an interview with financial expert of Universidad Panamericana (UP), Mario Cortés.
performing loans of credit cards reached 9.9% in October from 7.0% recorded in February this year, according to data from the Association or n Bank of Mexico.
While the delinquency rate of the loan portfolio in banks reached 3.5% in October, with the segment use the most affected with an increase of 7.9%.
restructure a debt of credit card can become an ordeal or be simple, is practically a matter of luck.
By visiting several banks Banamex, Bancomer, HSBC, Banorte, Santander and Scotiabanak Inverlat asking about how to restructure a credit card debt. The result was that in all of them can not perform the procedure in person, but only by telephone.
According to the customer experience sometimes to achieve a restructuring process is simple and involves one or two calls and can sometimes take a long time.
BBVA Bancomer and Banamex offered plans for restructuring credit card debt.
The plan provides for the restructuring BBVA Bancomer, depends on the willingness of each person to settle his debt, said the director of Heritage Bank and Trust, Alejandro Pineda Galicia.
between a client who has the current payments for the next month but can not pay, for a person who has fallen into arrears but is willing to pay, even for those who have to pay the debt but have not wanted to make their payments.
Pineda noted that the monthly interest rate of these plans vary depending on the term you choose, ranging from 6, 12, 18 and 60 months in special cases, with rates 18 to just above 30%.
Even for cases where the person has serious problems with repayment, the bank may waive any default interest and ordinary and set an annual rate of 31%, with maturities of approximately 60 months.
commitment to pay for value, whether the customer wants to pay, because it is very different from what you can do with a client who wants to pay and can not, or people who do not want to pay and may Pineda said Galicia.
Meanwhile, Banamex given time from 9 to 36 months for the restructuring of debt with a fixed rate of 27% annually.
This institution has a section especially within its website where users can calculate their payments by entering the balance you want to set in restructuring or fixed monthly payment.
The restructuring should not exceed a higher interest rate to 24% or 2% per month on unpaid balances, and this is a very accessible rate and costs administration.
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Each of the last 20 years has been warmer than the global average long-term, with the 1998 record, 10 years warm-century have all occurred since 1983, seven in this decade.
Temperatures have risen by 1.25 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century, comparing with its beginning. While this increase may not seem very high, distributed across the planet is a tremendous amount of energy. It is also a huge spike in temperature. While temperatures vary greatly from site to site, diaa Diaye from hour to hour, the average temperature across the surface of the planet remains remarkably stable from year to year. When up only a small fraction of a degree, as it has in recent years, set a record. That's why as the heat wave in 1998-about everything one degree F above the average of 1961 to 1990 - impresses and worries scientists. "That number is staggering," said climatologist Philip Jones of the University of East Anglia in England, one of the main centers of world climate information.
The amazing record of 1998 marks a powerful long-term trend. "The rapid warming of the last 25 years undermines the argument of skeptics about the greenhouse effect, which have argued that most of the global warming occurred earlier this century when greenhouse gases were increasing ma s slowly-in fact, faster warming is happening exactly when expected, "according to the director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at NASA, James E. Hansen.
In late 1998, the scientist Thomas Widley National Center for Atmospheric Research and two of his colleagues published the results of rigorous statistical tests of the last 115 years of temperature data. They compared data collected with the climate system models made by computer to determine whether a cyclical rise in the intensity of the sun could have caused global warming, instead of greenhouse gases produced by humans. Concluded that the climate should have been six times more sensitive to solar changes what is considered realistic to allow the warming trend. "These results provide another important piece in the puzzle of climate change further strengthening our confidence that there has been a discernible human influence on climate. "
Monday, January 19, 2009
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Each person has different aspirations as their way of being and cultural level. But there are some common to all: decent housing, adequate food, education, health care, work according to their own abilities and during recreation. Today is another, which is to live in a healthy and ecologically balanced.
has recently started growing international interest in integrating conservation measures environmental policies and social growth.
What does this mean?
is necessary for the development process of countries taking into account all the elements that make up the human environment. That is, we need a development model in which the exploitation of natural resources does not cause irreparable harm, a form of economic and social progress that promotes healthy living and respect for each person, a behavior-based model nature, ie it considers the cycle of recovery and work arrangements, human ensure sustained progress over time, in harmony with environmental conservation and welfare of all people: the so-called sustainable development or sustainable.
Sustainable development is one that is geared to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations.
What are the conditions for sustainable development?
growth sufficient to meet humanity's basic needs (food, housing, health, education, performance work and personal development).
poverty eradication policies and planning for population growth rates.
Policies and laws to ensure the reduction of the process of depletion of nonrenewable energy resources and general consumer goods, using them in a rational manner, with recycling mechanisms and resources are not getting replaced renewable for renewables.
institutional changes to integrate environment and economics in decision making.
Achieving sustainable development requires a new form of cooperation between all countries why operate an exchange scientific, technical and financial solidarity.
a country to achieve sustained growth when the economic viability of the projects to exploit natural resources is calculated by taking into account relevant environmental considerations. Economically evaluate a project of exploitation of a forest, for example., Involves considering the value of logging, the reforestacióny the environmental problems derived from it: soil erosion and deterioration plant and animal biodiversity.
By the late '80s, the focus of sustainable development international consensus reached and consolidated in the report of the United Nations (UN), called Our Common Future Call to Action. In addition to analyzing the report and establish policies to protect the environment, is proposed to hold a General Assembly of the United Nations, whose purpose was to adopt a program of international action. This initiative marked the starting point for a series of international meetings intended to address environmental problems.