Monday, September 14, 2009

Numero De Serie Para Mount&blade

Solar PV SOLAR POWER interesting pages in English

Lae, is a type of solar energy based on the application of photovoltaic effect that occurs when light strikes semiconductor materials, so as to generate a flow of electrons inside the material. Applications

of great interest to cover consumption in isolated places. Photovoltaic solar energy is used commercially for power generation at the site of application, covering small loads. Not giving foreign supplies (fuel) or other types of resources (water, wind ...), applies in places that are inaccessible to the distribution network. Solar


off-grid applications grid-connected applications

· photoelectric central rural electrification ELECTRICAL

· Applications building integrated livestock farming

· Pumping

· Telecommunications

· independent lighting

· ; Signage

Operating Principles

The applications of solar PV is based on the use of photovoltaic effect, this, is produced by solar radiation impact on a material called a semiconductor. Received energy causes a chaotic motion of electrons. If two regions of a semiconductor, which has been artificially endowed with different concentrations of electrons (adding doping substances such as phosphorus and boron), it causes a constant electrostatic field to be renewed the motion of electrons in the direction and desired direction, so when incident solar radiation, appears in the photovoltaic solar cell voltage that by placing metal contacts can be "removed" electricity. The face of the cell on the incident radiation has a grid that allows the passage of light and current draw simultaneously, and the other face is covered with metal.

Most Solar cells are mono or poly crystalline silicon, the former being more efficient.

Within the technical aspects should be mentioned concentration systems that will achieve higher efficiency levels. These concentrating systems can be:

· Static-free solar tracking using refractive media.

· Dynamic-tracked to allow concentrate solar radiation reflection.

A photovoltaic system consists of:

· Sub-catchment transform sunlight into electricity .

· Subsystem storage-store energy.

· Sub-regulation regulates the power input from the catchment area.

· Subsystem Power-appropriate adaptation characteristics energíaa demands for applications.

solar collector subsystem

radiation values change throughout the day, so it is important to the proper placement of the panels. His guidance will be provided to the south although the inclination of the panels will vary depending on the month of the year in which we are, because the sun will affect the earth with a different angle;

· 60 degrees in the winter months

· 15 º in the summer months.

To improve the performance of the collection system can be fitted with movement to support the installation may be a move on:

· ; A north-south axis-tracking

· Two-axis vertical east-west track.

To take advantage of sunlight.

accumulation subsystem

The PV is customary to use batteries to store power generated for later use in times of low or no sunlight .

adaptation Subsystems Current

In certain applications that work in DC can not match the voltage supplied to the elements requested by the consumer, so the solution is a voltage converter. In other cases, the application includes elements that work in AC, since both panels and batteries, work requires a DC power inverter. Applications

· facilities off-grid electrification

home. Regarding the design criteria There are two types of facilities:

· -Centered a single generator feeds all consumers in a group.

· Decentralized-each home is powered by a photovoltaic generator independently.

also depend on the type of power to use and benefit installation. Such facilities tend to be domestic, so it is advisable to remember that the energy consumed is not unlimited, and that to make the energy harvesting system is preferable to match the largest energy use with more sunshine hours.

· networked facilities.

can be found two cases:

· photoelectric or power stations, for the production of electricity.

· PV systems in buildings.

In these facilities, "networked" no elements of accumulation of energy produced as it can use the energy from the grid to meet the demand not covered by the photovoltaic .

Advantages of its use

· has a high quality energy

· is inexhaustible on a human scale

· Small or no environmental space use

· not add CO2 to the atmosphere and thus avoid the process of global warming as a result of greenhouse

· not contribute to the formation of acid rain

· not lead to the formation of Nox

· not require sophisticated security measures

· not produce toxic waste are difficult or impossible to treatment or disposal


· The plant cost is quite high and the energy conversion efficiency is low

· The nonuniform solar radiation limits the possibility of harnessing this energíaa areas and countries with a high number of sunshine hours

· large area of land occupied by facilities

· a considerable environmental impact while significantly changes the ecosystem of the area in production

· No can be stored directly, being necessary energy transformation

· high initial disbursement

· results is doubtful and may still be somewhat experimental.


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