Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cubefield Silver Games

End of the semester, and especially so this year is all you need to finish my patience, my control and my integrity.

took over a week crying on the night and I hate that. I do not know why, but I have a vague idea.

Whatever makes me feel vulnerable ... and .. I could not concentrate on what should, and these days .. do not know if I really care. I have no desire to study these days, clearly, great! just when I have more evidence ...

just want to make nonsense and deal on them .. only to realize that end up making me think more stupid anyway.

And today in the midst of the goddamn test of Management, which had kilos of stuff ... called him ... around the world calls it. And I cut because I could not talk in the middle of the test. And I ended up calling back the balance after leaving.

There are days like this one .. I do not stand myself and I want to start, just do not know where or to whom ... I would like a hug, but I also know that his embrace and not any times .... and extrañoa. But ... it is wrong to miss someone with whom you Share everything you tell anyone else, who would have wept over to drown and he has been talking, calm.

is wrong because it is healthy to maintain a relationship .... regardless of confidence, is insane. Another good reason for them to go away from me. I'm going to do badly at the end ... or I will do good to know that I can have this ... but not as happy, or not having it any way you want.

But ... I also know I can not remove it from the inside even though I tried ... it always comes back.

Maybe I better go to nap until dark ... the sun is bad for my skin .. maybe also because of the head.


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