soon to cross the big pond, perhaps never to return. These last days the decision was made. Slowly piecing together my being, rebuilding the foundation of my beliefs and that no part of it.
Friday, January 30, 2009
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soon to cross the big pond, perhaps never to return. These last days the decision was made. Slowly piecing together my being, rebuilding the foundation of my beliefs and that no part of it.
Friday, January 23, 2009
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are several reasons that make water heaters by thermosyphon solar are an attractive and increasingly in demand and popular:
Economic aspect: Initially it is more expensive to buy a solar heater to a conventional gas. Yet the solar heater uses free energy from the sun while the gas heater uses conventional fossil that is not free. The cumulative expenditure involving the purchase of gas every month comes quickly to match the expenditure incurred on the purchase of solar heater. It is estimated that the average recovery period of money invested in the solar heater is between 1 and 3 years depending on the use made of it.
to this we must add that the price of gas is constantly increasing, which causes the recovery time is reduced even more.
The replacement rate of gas solar thermal water heating is estimated at around 80% when properly dimensioned, and for practical purposes often substantially higher than this figure.
-Energy Independence. Having a solar heater means having a greater energy independence with respect to gas companies or electricity to heat water, with their price increases or possible supply problems.
-ecological aspects "No less important than this is the ecological implications that come with purchasing a solar heater. By not using combustion for heating water, we release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and contributing to global warming and air pollution. You can advantage of a very abundant energy source and free as the sun
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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in the sun as a result of nuclear fusion reactions.
intensity solar energy available on a particular point on Earth
The power radiation varies time of day, weather conditions that and latitude. One can assume that in good conditions of irradiation the value is approximately 1000 W / m power of radiation varies with time of day, weather conditions and the buffer latitude. One can assume that in good conditions of irradiation the value is approximately 1000 W / m² on Earth's surface. This power is known as irradiance.
Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse components, or the sum of both. The direct radiation reaching the solar focus directly, without intermediate reflections or refractions. Fuzzy is issued by the daytime sky by reflection upon the many phenomena of solar refraction in the atmosphere, clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use, while it is not possible to concentrate the diffused light coming from all directions.
² at the surface. This power is known as irradiance.
Radiation is usable in direct and diffuse components, or the sum of both. The direct radiation reaching the solar focus directly, without intermediate reflections or refractions. Fuzzy is issued by the daytime sky by reflection upon the many phenomena of solar refraction in the atmosphere, clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use while it is not possible to concentrate the diffused light coming from all directions.
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The operation of the solar heater is simple and effective . It consists of two main parts:
-collector - Element responsible for capturing the sun's energy and transform it into heat. Using a metal structure gives collectors a suitable angle to ensure that optimal uptake throughout the year.
The collector in turn consists of the following parts:
-Box: A metallic element that contains other elements.
-Absorber: Element responsible for transforming solar radiation into heat. This is a black surface with different characteristics depending on the type of collector
-Cover: transparent element responsible for causing the greenhouse effect inside the box to increase the temperature and the use of heat by absorbing
-accumulator or tank, tank where hot water is stored for consumption. To prevent water lose their heat during the night the heat storage tank is sealed with appropriate insulation materials.
The tank and collector are connected by pipes.
The water heating process begins when the sun's rays strike the collector surface and raise the temperature of the water flowing through the pipes you have in your interior.
loses water when heated and tends to rise density passing through the pipeline to the storage tank is located above. The space that frees up water that has risen is replaced by water that has not been heated from the accumulator. This water is heated in turn by the same procedure and again repeating the process up while the sun's rays impinge on the collector.
This establishes a natural cycle in which all the solar energy captured in the collector enters the tank.
At the end of the day we have hot water, between 45 and 75 degrees Celsius heat stored in the tank sealed. It is estimated that the average loss during the night temperature inside the tank is between 3 and 7 degrees Celsius, so you can enjoy hot water stored during the night or morning before to come out of the sun.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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The solar energy is guaranteed for the next 6,000 million years. The sun has shone in the sky for about five billion years, and it is estimated that still has not reached half of its existence. It is a source of life and origin of other forms of energy that man has used since the dawn of history, and can meet all our needs if we learn how to make a rational manner that continually shed light on planet. It is an inexhaustible energy source, given its magnitude and because its purpose will be the end of life on Earth.
This year, the sun casts on the Earth four thousand times energy than we consume. It would be wise not to try to take advantage, by all means technically possible, this free energy source, clean and renewable, it can definitely get rid of dependence on oil or other unsafe alternatives, or simply contaminants. It should be noted that there are some problems we face and overcome. Apart from the difficulties that would lead to advanced solar energy policy itself must be borne in mind that this power is subject to continuous variations or less abrupt. For example, solar radiation is lower in winter, just when we need it most.
is vital to continuing the development of emerging imaging technology, acumulacióny distribution of solar energy, to create conditions that make it definitely competitive, worldwide.
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Before falling into the hell of the debtors, people who feel that the water has reached the neck and can drown and fail to meet the payment of their credit cards, should consider alternatives such as debt restructuring, closing with the bank that issued the loan.
staff cuts at several companies during the first half of 2009, left much to credit card customers affected in their ability to pay, warned many personal finance experts.
The problem of nonperforming loans in 2009 will be something spectacular right now talking about 9 or 10%, but you may hear, in 2009, during the first six months, increases 20 or 30% default rates, said in an interview with financial expert of Universidad Panamericana (UP), Mario Cortés.
performing loans of credit cards reached 9.9% in October from 7.0% recorded in February this year, according to data from the Association or n Bank of Mexico.
While the delinquency rate of the loan portfolio in banks reached 3.5% in October, with the segment use the most affected with an increase of 7.9%.
restructure a debt of credit card can become an ordeal or be simple, is practically a matter of luck.
By visiting several banks Banamex, Bancomer, HSBC, Banorte, Santander and Scotiabanak Inverlat asking about how to restructure a credit card debt. The result was that in all of them can not perform the procedure in person, but only by telephone.
According to the customer experience sometimes to achieve a restructuring process is simple and involves one or two calls and can sometimes take a long time.
BBVA Bancomer and Banamex offered plans for restructuring credit card debt.
The plan provides for the restructuring BBVA Bancomer, depends on the willingness of each person to settle his debt, said the director of Heritage Bank and Trust, Alejandro Pineda Galicia.
between a client who has the current payments for the next month but can not pay, for a person who has fallen into arrears but is willing to pay, even for those who have to pay the debt but have not wanted to make their payments.
Pineda noted that the monthly interest rate of these plans vary depending on the term you choose, ranging from 6, 12, 18 and 60 months in special cases, with rates 18 to just above 30%.
Even for cases where the person has serious problems with repayment, the bank may waive any default interest and ordinary and set an annual rate of 31%, with maturities of approximately 60 months.
commitment to pay for value, whether the customer wants to pay, because it is very different from what you can do with a client who wants to pay and can not, or people who do not want to pay and may Pineda said Galicia.
Meanwhile, Banamex given time from 9 to 36 months for the restructuring of debt with a fixed rate of 27% annually.
This institution has a section especially within its website where users can calculate their payments by entering the balance you want to set in restructuring or fixed monthly payment.
The restructuring should not exceed a higher interest rate to 24% or 2% per month on unpaid balances, and this is a very accessible rate and costs administration.
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Each of the last 20 years has been warmer than the global average long-term, with the 1998 record, 10 years warm-century have all occurred since 1983, seven in this decade.
Temperatures have risen by 1.25 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century, comparing with its beginning. While this increase may not seem very high, distributed across the planet is a tremendous amount of energy. It is also a huge spike in temperature. While temperatures vary greatly from site to site, diaa Diaye from hour to hour, the average temperature across the surface of the planet remains remarkably stable from year to year. When up only a small fraction of a degree, as it has in recent years, set a record. That's why as the heat wave in 1998-about everything one degree F above the average of 1961 to 1990 - impresses and worries scientists. "That number is staggering," said climatologist Philip Jones of the University of East Anglia in England, one of the main centers of world climate information.
The amazing record of 1998 marks a powerful long-term trend. "The rapid warming of the last 25 years undermines the argument of skeptics about the greenhouse effect, which have argued that most of the global warming occurred earlier this century when greenhouse gases were increasing ma s slowly-in fact, faster warming is happening exactly when expected, "according to the director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at NASA, James E. Hansen.
In late 1998, the scientist Thomas Widley National Center for Atmospheric Research and two of his colleagues published the results of rigorous statistical tests of the last 115 years of temperature data. They compared data collected with the climate system models made by computer to determine whether a cyclical rise in the intensity of the sun could have caused global warming, instead of greenhouse gases produced by humans. Concluded that the climate should have been six times more sensitive to solar changes what is considered realistic to allow the warming trend. "These results provide another important piece in the puzzle of climate change further strengthening our confidence that there has been a discernible human influence on climate. "
Monday, January 19, 2009
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New things continue the normal course of events, without much fuss or anything else.
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Each person has different aspirations as their way of being and cultural level. But there are some common to all: decent housing, adequate food, education, health care, work according to their own abilities and during recreation. Today is another, which is to live in a healthy and ecologically balanced.
has recently started growing international interest in integrating conservation measures environmental policies and social growth.
What does this mean?
is necessary for the development process of countries taking into account all the elements that make up the human environment. That is, we need a development model in which the exploitation of natural resources does not cause irreparable harm, a form of economic and social progress that promotes healthy living and respect for each person, a behavior-based model nature, ie it considers the cycle of recovery and work arrangements, human ensure sustained progress over time, in harmony with environmental conservation and welfare of all people: the so-called sustainable development or sustainable.
Sustainable development is one that is geared to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations.
What are the conditions for sustainable development?
growth sufficient to meet humanity's basic needs (food, housing, health, education, performance work and personal development).
poverty eradication policies and planning for population growth rates.
Policies and laws to ensure the reduction of the process of depletion of nonrenewable energy resources and general consumer goods, using them in a rational manner, with recycling mechanisms and resources are not getting replaced renewable for renewables.
institutional changes to integrate environment and economics in decision making.
Achieving sustainable development requires a new form of cooperation between all countries why operate an exchange scientific, technical and financial solidarity.
a country to achieve sustained growth when the economic viability of the projects to exploit natural resources is calculated by taking into account relevant environmental considerations. Economically evaluate a project of exploitation of a forest, for example., Involves considering the value of logging, the reforestacióny the environmental problems derived from it: soil erosion and deterioration plant and animal biodiversity.
By the late '80s, the focus of sustainable development international consensus reached and consolidated in the report of the United Nations (UN), called Our Common Future Call to Action. In addition to analyzing the report and establish policies to protect the environment, is proposed to hold a General Assembly of the United Nations, whose purpose was to adopt a program of international action. This initiative marked the starting point for a series of international meetings intended to address environmental problems.
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With the head of the Climate Change Secretariat United Nations, Yvo de Boer, as a passenger, the solar taxi has arrived in the Polish city of Poznan, where he is discussing the Kyoto Protocol II. The vehicle has traveled over 50,000 km around the world working only with solar energy , showing that clean energy is ready for use.
Leading adventure is the Swiss Louis Palmer, conductor and driver of this singular vehicle began its journey in July 2007 in the Swiss city of Lucerne. The taxi has already traveled 52,000 km through 38 countries- the five continents around the world carrying a message of warning about climate change. Among the passengers who have occupied the vehicle include the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The vehicle has a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour and works with Q-Cells solar cells placed on the roof. 40% of energy is produced by these cells and stored in a battery that is built into the car. The rest of the energy needed for its operation, obtained using a fixed solar in Switzerland, was poured into the vehicle's battery.
The solar car, which was developed by a partnership involving four Swiss universities, has two video cameras, computer monitoring system, geographic positioning system (GPS) and mu music. Full details of the adventure is being collected in and also discussed in blogs written in various languages.
The project is sponsored by the United Nations Program for Environment. And the support of numerous companies and entities.
Monday, January 5, 2009
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Another year has passed according to the Western-Christian mythology, but I'm celebrating and living every day as if it were the most important thing in life