Monday, June 8, 2009

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Course Course

is very important in our times be informed, and above all to be informed through the right sources and that these days there are many sources of information that is difficult to distinguish those that are reliable.

Having a reliable source of information is very important to be trained in the issues and technologies today, such as the solar energy, qe ever has a major presence in daily life and it is essential to know how it works and we can do with it to save money and energíay to save our planet from global warming due to emissions
It would be ideal to take a course appropriate solar energy from a reliable source and truthful and torque to implement solar energy in our lives.

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systems of electricity called photovoltaic systems enable the transformation of the energy content of solar radiation into electrical energy. These systems are characterized by a degree of autonomy with respect to climate, geography, and other conditions that few can achieve energy sources. Geographic locations characterized by receiving a high level of solar radiation are the most conducive to its use.
face of conventional energy, solar photovoltaic presents the characteristic of being an unlimited source of energy, renewable energy deals. Is also characterized by its "ubiquitous" and may be seized anywhere on the planet's surface (though obviously not with the same intensity in all places and at all times). This ubiquity makes possible a wide range of applications (limited only by the power required).
energy sources have environmental impacts inevitable. Increasingly, clearer purpose on the planet. Acid rain, greenhouse gases, radioactive waste, nuclear accidents ... there is greater awareness - because you know every day - with respect to these adverse effects and greater social sensitivity - which have specifically generated by the ecological movement, etc.. - Are factors that make this possible is an increasingly viable alternative and attractive compared to other energy sources. This is not a theory. A striking example is the case of the USA who has directed most of its budget for energy research to projects related to photovoltaic energy. If you continue this level of RESEARCH AND the number of projects, it is clear that photovoltaics will play a key role in power generation in the United States, especially in areas capita ; Lidasan, such as Florida (which is one of the places in America where more studies on this type of energy has been made).
Brief History of photovoltaic systems
Early research in this field focused on product development for applications space, and its first successful use in the manufacture of artificial satellites. Its main features made them ideal for supplying energy in outer space.
The cells were first marketed in 1955. But only in the early eighties, began to settle photovoltaic companies. It was also during this decade than in the U.S., the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) established standards and test methods and performance for modules photovoltaics. These activities helped companies reduce costs and improve performance, efficiency and reliability.
How are photovoltaic converters
photovoltaic cells photovoltaic panels are lined and are manufactured with Silicon. This element - the second most abundant in the crust - is what allows the process of generating electricity. The energy gap estimated by the theoretical conversion efficiency of voltaic material, determines the characteristic spectral absorption the material in the fundamental absorption region. Silicon has a cut 1.2u absorption with a strong increase in the absorption coefficient at longer wavelengths. The fundamental region is the sensitive region of the cell in Sicily.
Al doping pure silicon with impurities of certain chemicals, unique electrical properties obtained in the presence of sunlight. How doped Silicon? A diode is formed - as its name indicates - in two parts: one negative and one positive. On the positive side, the material missing electrons. On the negative side, you can spare. When the two parts come together is called semiconductor diode. It semiconductor (see the theoretical definition of this concept, which is located before ...) in the sense that the electric current can flow only in one direction. Moreover, unlike conductive materials, as the temperature increases, performance increases. Silicon has four electrons. You can only get to have "a positive and a negative Silicon" if you dope with contaminants. For example, if we introduce phosphorus to its composition, Silicon will get a negative, since an electron would get other time (if we consider that the match has 5 electrons in the last layer). However, if we introduce aluminum - three electrons in the last layer - we will have a positive silicon.
I said, only by doping the silicon, has the appropriate characteristics. This is because the chemical properties of elements are determined by the number of electrons in the top layer and electrons missing to complete. Sicily, as well as already mentioned, has four electrons and four others are missing to complete. When atoms join Sicilian other, sharing the electrons of the last layers of neighboring atoms and form covalent bonds, these combinations give rise to a crystalline structure. This is the composition of photovoltaic cells. They measure between 7 and 9 inches and are thin and rectangular or circular. Silicon is processed
- after complex processing - and it is formed with a cylinder lens and solid. This is a very pure semiconductor crystal. The cylinder is cut, in turn, into thin slices that are then chemically treated before they become photovoltaic cells. Then connect wires to the cell surface: A positively charged side and a negative side. This completes the electrical circuit. When the cell is exposed to light, electricity flows through the circuit. To improve efficiency and system capacity can be connected - including by wire - various cells in a series. This is called a module (module) and can also be connected, in turn, several modules. The more modules you add, the more electricity can be generated.
cells are powered by what is called "photovoltaic effect" (photo comes from light, voltaic electricity). When the sun hit the surface of the cell, free electrons from atoms of the material. Electrons, excited by light, moving through Sicily. Certain chemical elements added to the composition of silicon can set the path to follow the electrons. That is the phenomenon
photovoltaic and its consequence is the direct electrical current. This stream may be stored in "batteries" for, if desired, can be used outside daylight hours. Each cell (or cell) is able to generate 2 to 4 amps at a voltage of 0.46 to 0.48 V using as raw material only from solar radiation. In addition, support both direct and diffuse radiation, which means that electric energy can be even on cloudy days. Therefore, it is quite efficient. It is also relatively simple, photovoltaic cells have no moving parts, not need maintenance and have a lifespan of between 20 and 30 years - and yet, their manufacture requires a sophisticated technology that is available only in some countries like the United States , Germany, Spain Japanandthe. That is why, although the direct conversion of the visible solar spectrum is perhaps the most orderly way and aesthetics of all that exist for the use of Solar Energy unfortunately this technology has not been fully developed.

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Solar Energy Solar Energy SOLAR ENERGY

Solar energy level has taken a very important today, more and more people and businesses are taking it into account for technological development and improvement of their industries, reducing costs, saving energíay caring for the environment by using renewable energy.

is why it is essential to understand its principles, its operations and its practical applications. This has given rise to the solar energy courses for useful applications, such as building solar thermal water heaters, solar energy collectors and more than can help people save energíaya care for the environment, reducing costs and implementing new technologies.

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What is Forex Trading Recycling materials

That is the question that any person decides to start when you want to learn a little investment, but I doubt that the first way to realize the magnitude of the subject that begins to address.

is why I urge restraint on the interpretative work of this article otherwise overflow in judgments of blame at the conclusion that the small definition given does not explain or even a quarter what this term encompasses.

FOREX Trading is an investment system that involves the exchange of currencies, or what is best, buying and selling different currencies, the Forex market is a great market because the operations are done via Internet, through various pre-approved specialized software called operating platforms.

While this definition is essentially technical, I believe that a greater understanding of a potential reader lacking the necessary tools to understand the meaning given above, it is necessary to make any notable excerpts:

" , What is a currency?
The Royal Academy of English define the term, considering the economic meaning is that we want as
Foreign currency refers to the unity of the country concerned.
And then it follows that we talk about currency when you are talking about the currency of another country, then for example for Americans to EURO is a currency but not the U.S. dollar.

Now that you know the meaning of the word currency, which will have to do is put in the context to understand the true importance of it when we're talking FOREX.

If you already know that Forex is the foreign exchange market, all you have to understand is that how you manage to make a profit as is cheap when you buy a currency at a specified price and then sell when the price of this has increased, this leads me to emphasize that the purchase of a currency is nothing to change one currency for another, to understand this, it should give you an example: Suppose you decide
$ 3000 buy in yen, then you will be selling dollars and buying yen.
is why people often refer to as the operations done in Forex currency trading, and it is this the most important point you have to take into account when deciding to perform an operation , certainly in this first introductory phase, it is very difficult to try to delve into the issue, since in doing so, probably his intellect come into a sea of doubt.

best now is that you review some basic concepts that have been mentioned before, and continue on with the other items in this section shall

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1. The materials that we use.
- Raw materials.
Each object is made of different materials. The different substances from which we get the materials are called raw materials.
- Some materials of particular importance.
Paper: paper-making is used as raw material cellulose.
As we consume a lot of paper to cut down many trees there.
Glass: Glass is needed to make sand, soda, soda, lime and energy. Sand, soda ash and limestone are the raw materials needed to manufacture glass. Plastic
: raw materials for plastic are extracted oil. Plastic is collected for distillation of petroleum.
2. What do we throw away?
In a very short time, the products seem old and useless and throw away. The things that make up household waste are called municipal solid waste.
residues are formed by a variety of materials: batteries, soil and ash, stone and ceramics, textiles, wood, rubber and leather, metals, plastics, glass, paper and paperboard , and other organic matter.
Organic matter: it is mainly food waste.
inert matter (or inorganic) is bottles, cans, cardboard, sheet metal, plastics, etc.
When we throw away an object are also pulling the raw materials with which it has been manufactured.
3. What can we do to it?
produce too much garbage, almost thirty pounds dumped into uncontrolled landfills, harming the environment and can cause health problems.
Waste incineration is an alternative to traditional landfill, although it can cause environmental problems.
Reducing the volume of waste: refuse containers that do not have a conservation feature for product hygiene. Reuse
products: avoid wherever possible possible products "disposable" as non-returnable bottles or plastic bags.
Recycling waste: is to separate the waste materials to be reused in the manufacture of new products.
Many materials in the waste can be used to produce other new items. The materials are easier to recycle paper and glass, and second metals.
recycle a material is to develop a new product from a previous one that has no utility. 4.Reciclado
glass and paper.
- How recycled glass?
bottles are collected containers are crushed and removed all kinds of impurities, then this glass powder is mixed with other raw materials and get the molten glass.
- Recycle paper a great idea.
cutting paper is mixed with water and glue, then form a sheet with the paste and dried with a sponge on a grid, separates this film and pressed between two sheets of wood, ú Finally allowed to dry.
recycling paper and glass reduces the cost of raw materials and energy.
5.Reciclado of organic matter and plastics.
- How use the organic matter?
In nature, everything is recycled. The organic matter from leaves, animal droppings and dead bodies decompose in the earth, transformed into substances that nourish the soil and encourage the growth of new plants.
In the rotating sieve separates the waste organic matter bulkier. The separated organic matter left to decay in large fermentation tanks, where it becomes compost. Are removed by magnetic separation of fermented organic matter objects metal that can contaminate the soil.
- Plastics
There are many varieties of plastics, and each type requires different treatment. The recycling of plastics is a very complex process, which requires classification prior to treatment.
Recycled plastic is used to manufacture various types of packaging.